The Greeks taught them how to make scarabs, but the Etruscans did not use the scarab as a seal. 希腊人教他们如何制作圣甲虫,但是埃特鲁斯坎人不使用圣甲虫作为封印。
The results showed that scale insect, leaf roller and scarab were the dominant species. 结果表明:主要害虫种类有介壳虫、卷叶蛾和金龟子等。
The writing would be inscribed on the base ( flat side) of the scarab, and sizes varied from several centimeters to several meters long. 书写在圣甲虫底部(平的面)上的作品,而且大小从几公分到几米长。
The first scarab from Phoenicia was made in the 8th century BC ( approximately the 23rd dynasty). 第一只圣甲虫来自腓尼基,产生于西元前8世纪(大约是第23王朝)。
A terrible darkness is building up beyond the Scarab Wall, enough to give pause even to the Timeless One himself. 黑暗的力量在甲虫之墙的另一边不断积累,而永恒之王自己也感到恐慌。
As the scarab traveled throughout Europe and Asia by trade, war and politics, its purpose changed. 当圣甲虫通过贸易,战争和政治遍及整个欧洲和亚洲各地,它的用途改变了。
The Research History of Scarab Beetles Classification System and Classified Identification of 18 Common Scarab Beetles 金龟子分类系统的研究发展史及对常见18种金龟子的分类鉴定
Study on the Community Structure and Ecological Adaptation of Soil Scarab under the Condition of Different Water-Soil Erosion Controlling Methods in Huangfu-chuan Watershed 皇甫川流域不同治理措施下土壤金龟子群落结构及生态适应性研究
The Greeks started using the scarab as well, and as a result, the scarab made it onto mainland Europe, into areas where the dung beetle had never lived. 希腊人也开始使用圣甲虫,结果就使圣甲虫进入欧洲大陆中,进入甲虫从未生活过的地方。
Carving of a scarab, worn as an ornament or a charm is write protected. Do you want to open it read-only? 甲虫形雕饰(作饰物或护符佩带).有写保护。是否以只读形式打开该文件?
Studies on Effects of Scarab on Yield and Weight of Single Fruit of Castanea mollissima 金龟子对板栗产量和单果重的影响
It was effective that the behavior expeiment of the scarab had been done by using big petri plates. 用大培养皿作金龟子幼虫取食行为研究的方法首次被使用。
A Preliminary Study on Scarab ( coleoptera: Scarab aeoidea) in Henan Province 河南金龟子的初步研究
: Tests showed that, after Castanea mollissima enters into mature period, a small amount of scarab had no significant effects on its yield and weight of single fruit; 试验结果表明,当板栗进入结果期后,少量金龟子的存在(危害程度30%以下)对板栗当年产量和单果重并不产生显著影响,一般不需对其进行药物防治;
The relationships between variation of morphological structure of the mouthparts and feeding in saprophagous scarab beetles were inferred based on comparative morphological study preliminarily. 在比较形态学研究基础上,对金龟甲口器各部分的形态变化及其与食性的关系进行了初步推断。
Studies on the Scarab Species by Lure into of Black Light Lamp and their Dynamics in Hebei Province 河北省黑光灯诱集金龟子的种类及其分布和消长规律研究
Up to now the sex pheromones of 14 scarab beetles have been identified and several aggregation pheromones and attractants to the both males and females reported. 迄今,已有14种金龟子的性信息素被鉴定,还有一些金龟子的聚集信息素和两性引诱剂被报道。
Four kinds of massively occurring pests: armyworm, scarab young insect, cutworm, ant; 四种大量发生的虫害:粘虫、蛴螬、地老虎、蚂蚁;
Study on the Features of Soil Scarab ( Scarab aeoidea) Community in Inner Mongolia Median Region 内蒙古中部地区土壤金龟子群落特征研究
Preliminary Report on Chemical Control of Cucumber Scarab 黄瓜黑星病化学防治初报