What a scatterbrain! he's locked his key inside his room again. 他老是这么丢三落四的。瞧,这回又把钥匙锁屋里了。
He's such a scatterbrain, always forgetting to lock the door. 他是个马大哈,老忘锁门。
What a scatterbrain! She forgot to plug in the coffee maker. 真是个糊涂虫!他忘了给咖啡壶插电。
He likes to give the impression of being a bit of a scatterbrain, but he's actually extremely efficient and well-organized. 他喜欢给人一种大大咧咧的印象,但实际上却是极其能干和有条有理的。
He is always very careless, that's why he is nicknamed "scatterbrain". 他做事总是稀里马虎的,所以大家都叫他“马大哈”。
Mary is such a scatterbrain that she always forgets something. 玛莉糊里糊涂的,她总是忘东忘西。
Conclusion: Abnormity of catecholaminergic neurotransmitters metabolism might lead to scatterbrain, hyperactivity, and difficult studying in patients with ADHD. 结论:单胺类神经递质代谢异常可能是导致ADHD患儿注意力不能集中、活动过度、学习困难的原因之一。