Scatterbrained development, underpowered boxes, non-uniform interfaces, and confusing input devices quickly turned the Android-powered peripherals from must-haves to half-offs. 软件漏洞百出、硬件性能不足、界面凌乱不堪、用户输入设备让人摸不着头脑,这款Android电视迅速从“必需品”降格至“可有可无”。
Other new mothers have said that lack of sleep and worrying about their child contributed to feeling scatterbrained. 其她新妈妈说道,她们睡眠不足,担心孩子是她们注意力不集中的缘由。
Now is not the time to get all scatterbrained and flaky. 现在不是慌张起哄的时候了。
But Scarlett intended to marry and marry ashley and she was willing to appear demure, pliable and scatterbrained, if those were the qualities that attracted men. 可是思嘉想要结婚要同艾希礼结婚并且乐意装出一副貌似庄重、温顺而没有主见的模样,如果这些品性真正能够吸引男人的话。
Development and Application of Four-strands Splitting Rolling Technology for Φ 10mm Ribbed Bar Small and slightly scatterbrained she was in love with the animal world. Φ10mm带肋钢筋四线切分轧制技术的开发与应用虽然她个子矮小,有点丢三落四的,但十分喜爱一切动物。
Trust me to drop it! I'm so scatterbrained. 肯定是我丢的!我总是冒冒失失的。
Associating with those undesirable, scatterbrained apes. 和那些讨厌的猿合作。
From the... testimony emerges a man by turns devious and honest, vulgar and gallant, scatterbrained and shrewd ( Life) 从指证来看,一个人交替地表现为狡猾和诚实,粗鄙和豪侠,浮躁和精明(生活)
Small and slightly scatterbrained she was in love with the animal world. 虽然她个子矮小,有点丢三落四的,但十分喜爱一切动物。
From what I have heard from other faculty, he's really scatterbrained. 我从其他老师那里听说了,他真的是粗心大意。
I will tell myself that it is okay to be scatterbrained once in a while and that sometimes the kindness you show will balance out your faults. 我会告诉自己,偶尔的浮躁无关紧要,友善会弥补你的过错。
I find I'm becoming more scatterbrained as I get older. 我发觉随着年龄的增长,我变得越来越丢三落四。
Detecting the features of the face including eye closure and head movement to estimate drowsiness and scatterbrained state. 检测和跟踪驾驶员的面部特征,包括分析眼睛闭合状态和头部的动作来推断是否存在疲劳和注意力不集中的状态。