Her mother is scatty and absent-minded. 她母亲糊里糊涂,丢三落四。
Or struggled to remember the name of an old acquaintance? For years we've accepted that a scatty brain is as much a part of ageing as wrinkles and grey hair. But now a new book suggests we've got it all wrong. 数年来我们以为脑功能下降和皱纹丛生、头发花白一样,是人类老去现象的组成部分,然而日前一部新书告诉我们一切都不是那么回事。
Your scatty son has forgotten his key again. 你那儿子丢三落四又把钥匙给忘了。
Women better at finding the car keys than their scatty spouses. 不过,女性在找车钥匙方面要比男性强。
You are a bit scatty so you don't check names on payslips before opening them. 你有点笨,所以才没核实工资单上的名字就打开看。
The noise made by the builders next door is driving me scatty. 隔壁建筑工发出的噪音弄得我心烦意乱。