Or, it can reference them just as MYTBL. COL1, in which case the Source field in the import dialog should contain the prefix SVR.DB1.MY_SCH. 或者,可以仅将它们引用为MYTBL.COL1,在这种情况下,导入对话中的Source字段应当包含前缀SVR.DB1.MYSCH。
Andrew Lloyd Weber's Phantom of the Opera and Claude-Michel Sch ö nberg and Alain Boublil's Miss Saigon are shining examples of European elegance and influence being brought to life. 安德鲁•劳埃德•韦伯的《剧院魅影》,克劳德•米歇尔•勋伯格和阿兰•鲍伯利编曲的《西贡小姐》都是其中将欧式优美和影响力展现在舞台上的完美代表。
The ministers, who studied at the same university in Giessen in western Germany, spoke German throughout, as did several of the other officials present, Sch ä fer said. 两位外长均曾在德国西部吉森的同一所大学就读。谢弗表示,二人从始至终以德语交流,在场的其他几名官员也是。
Many in Brussels believe London intentionally sought to undermine monetary union, Mr Sch ä uble noted. 朔伊布勒还指出,布鲁塞尔很多人认为英国有意寻求削弱这个货币联盟。
Additional reporting by Daniel Sch 228; fer in London 丹尼尔•谢弗(DanielSch&228;fer)伦敦补充报道
For a given SCH, the OD increases with increasing NPS while the wall thickness increases or stays constant. 对于给定的SCH,当管道壁厚增大或不变时,外径随NPS编号的增大而增大。
A brief review on the development of wheat germplasm with introduced powdery mildew and scab resistance from Haynaldia villosa Sch. 导入白粉病和赤霉病抗性的小麦种质的研究进展。
After a decade of efforts, a favorable customer service has already been established by SCH. 经过十年的努力,旭福已经在各客户建立良好的信誉与服务口碑。
Wolfgang Sch ä uble, German finance minister, who was equally opposed to any precise targets to limit the trade surpluses of export-led economies, played a key role in persuading his Chinese counterpart to accept a compromise, according to officials close to the talks. 据接近谈判的官员们介绍,德国财长沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(WolfgangSchäuble)在说服中国同行接受妥协方面扮演了关键角色。朔伊布勒同样反对为了限制出口导向型经济体的贸易盈余而设定精确目标。
We will certainly not discuss a top-up, said Wolfgang Sch ä uble, German finance minister, noting that a € 130bn limit was agreed at an EU summit. 我们当然不会讨论加码,德国财长沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(WolfgangSchäuble)表示,他指出,1300亿欧元的上限是在一次欧盟峰会上达成的。
Its use doesn't come as a surprise anymore, even in Miguel Barc è lo's, Thomas Sch ü tte's, Richard Deacon's or Giuseppe Penone's pieces, despite their exceptional quality. 使用它没什么特别的,甚至米格尔-巴塞罗,托马斯-舒特,理查德-迪肯和朱塞佩-庞安的作品也一样,尽管他们作品非凡。
Does Mr Sch ä uble imagine France could be fined? 朔伊布勒想象得到法国可能被罚款吗?
Angiosarcomas also show significant nuclear atypia, frequent mitoses, and will often have foci of necrosis, all features typically absent in SCH. 血管肉瘤还显示明显的核异型,易见核分裂,并常可见坏死灶。而所有这些特点在SCH是不会照例出现的。
The core of Mr Sch ä uble's argument was not about the mooted European Monetary Fund, which could not, even if agreed and implemented, alter the pressures created by the huge macroeconomic imbalances within the eurozone. 朔伊布勒观点的核心与未成定论的欧洲货币基金组织(EMU)无关&即使欧元区国家认同并建立EMU,它也不可能改变欧元区内部巨大的宏观经济失衡所产生的压力。
Someone bets that in Ferrari you will become more popular than Sch. 有人打赌说在法拉利你会比舒马赫更受欢迎。
BMW said yesterday that soaring demand for premium cars in China could prompt it to lift production capacity in the country by more than sevenfold in the long term, Daniel Sch ä fer reports from Hamburg. 宝马公司(BMW)昨天说,中国市场豪华轿车需求的激增,长期而言可能促使该公司将其在中国的产能提升7倍以上。
Hotel Gr ü sch's rooms feature satellite TV and a bathroom with hairdryer. 水疗中心包括芬兰桑拿、日光浴室和一间健身房。
There will have to be another programme in Greece, in order to help the country get over the hill of debt financing that it still faces, Mr Sch ä uble said at a campaign event near the northern port of Hamburg. 朔伊布勒在北部港口汉堡的一个竞选活动上表示,希腊肯定会出现另一轮(纾困)计划,以帮助这个国家越过其仍然面临的债务融资的高山。
Does Mr Sch uble actually want it to stop? 朔伊布勒真的希望欧洲央行停止这么做吗?
In an interview with the Financial Times, Mr Sch ä uble said markets would not work properly if the risks and rewards are completely unbalanced. 朔伊布勒在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,如果风险和回报完全失衡,市场将不能正常运作。
Method for increasing clinical specificity when detecting tumours and their precursor stages by simultaneously measuring at least two different molecular markers. BirgeSchöpper:通过同时测量至少两种不同分子标记物来提高检测肿瘤及其前体阶段时的临床特异性的方法。
Her finance minister, Wolfgang Sch ä uble, talks of one day giving up some sovereignty over budgets. 她的财政大臣沃尔夫冈·朔伊布勒谈到了某天会放弃部分预算主权。
Since then, sch ü lke is devoted in preventing and controlling the contamination of microorganisms, protecting the environment and human health. 从此舒美公司一直都致力于预防和控制微生物污染,致力于环境保护和人类健康事业。
It would be very difficult to get an approval from German parliament if you would leave the supervision for all the German banks, Mr Sch ä uble told his fellow ministers. 如果你要包括所有德国银行的监督,那将很难得到德国议会的批准,朔伊布勒对其他国家的财长表示。
Pipe size is specified with two non-dimensional numbers: a Nominal Pipe Size ( NPS) and a schedule ( SCH). 管道规格使用两个无纲量的编号来表示:公称管道尺寸规格(NPS)及抗拉强度(SCH)。
In addition to the auction houses, Paul Sch ö new a ld, a D ü sseldorf dealer, and Anthony Meier from San Francisco have teamed up to export a lot of Mr Richter's earlier works. 除拍卖行之外,一个叫PaulSchönewald的杜塞尔多夫商人和来自于三藩市的AnthonyMeier已经组团大量出口李希特先生早期的作品。
More than once, Mrs Merkel has countermanded Mr Sch uble. 默克尔曾不止一次撤回朔伊布勒下达的政令。
I know there are people close to Ms Merkel and Mr Sch uble who agree that a Eurobond will be the only solution to this crisis. 我知道,默克尔和朔伊布勒身边的一些人赞同欧元区债券将是解决此次危机的唯一办法。
Ms Merkel was backed by her finance minister, Wolfgang Sch uble, who said the eurozone would become an "inflation community" if countries opted to sell a joint bond without first unifying their fiscal policies. 默克尔得到了本国财政部长沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(wolfgangschuble)的支持,后者表示,如果欧元区国家选择在没有先统一财政政策的情况下出售联合债券,欧元区将变成一个“通胀共同体”。