No taxpayer money was involved, and the investigations, it seems, are largely pro-regulation political grandstanding with a dose of schadenfreude thrown in. 这些交易丝毫不牵涉到纳税人的钱,相关调查似乎主要是为了顺应加强监管的政治表演,不过其中还夹杂着哗众取宠和幸灾乐祸的意味。
And so, with a mixture of schadenfreude and fear, we hear the Monday morning quarterbacks explain what went wrong and explain how a company with so much promise managed to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. 因此,周一上午,当柯达公司的领导解释公司面临的问题、以及一家前途如此光明的公司为何功败垂成时,我们的心情非常复杂,幸灾乐祸中也夹杂着一丝恐惧。
Some have said this is the death of a fad, with longtime skeptics revving up the schadenfreude. 一些人开始表示,这些情况表明这股流行热潮玩完了,而那些长期对比特币持怀疑态度的人更是幸灾乐祸。
But is there a lesson to be learned beyond appreciating the irony ( and perhaps a bit of schadenfreude when a moralizing politician is caught with a prostitute)? 但对于这样的事,除了讽刺(道貌岸然的政客嫖妓被抓后,人们甚至会有一点幸灾乐祸)之外,我们是否也能从中借鉴些什么呢?
But schadenfreude aside, US internet service remains slow and expensive compared with the rest of the world. 但幸灾乐祸之余,美国的互联网服务相对于世界其他国家仍是缓慢和昂贵的。
Possessing an attitude of schadenfreude, the media not only dismiss, but would seek to impugn and deny China's leaders 'sincerity when they express the Chinese people's vital need for and yearning for peace and harmony with their Asian neighbors and with the United States. 持有这种幸灾乐祸的态度,媒体不仅会被驳回,而且会寻求抨击和否定中国领导人诚意&当他们表达中国人民对与亚洲邻国和美国的构建和平与和谐关系的迫切需要和向往的时候。
Schadenfreude is rarely expressed plainly, or in relation to a specific event or situation. Schadenfreude这个词很少被清楚地表达出来,或者联系到特定的事件或者场合上。
What to do about foreign media schadenfreude toward China? 对于外国媒体总是对中国采用幸灾乐祸式的态度该怎么处理?
A justifiable attempt to scrutinise the government of President Vladimir Putin has degenerated into an exercise in schadenfreude and ill will. 审视弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)政府行为的正当努力,已沦为幸灾乐祸和不怀好意的举动。
I believe our reactions are a response to the pervasive, ugly, and malevolent, but largely unnoticed element of schadenfreude in this commentary. 我认为我们的感觉是对文章中普遍存在的、泼脏水式和恶意的,但是却很大程度上被忽视的幸灾乐祸式的评论的一种自然而然的反应。
Schadenfreude: n.pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. 幸灾乐祸以他人的不幸为乐。
But Schadenfreude is never a very satisfying emotion, and in this case it would be decidedly misplaced. 但幸灾乐祸从来不是一种让人感到相当满意的情绪,而且在这个案例中显然是不应该有的。
That is one of at least three flies in the Schadenfreude. 这是幸灾乐祸的表现之一(至少有三大表现)。
Such is the conclusion reached by scientists at University College London in what they say is the first neuroscientific ( 1) evidence of schadenfreude. 伦敦尤尼弗斯特大学科学家从神经学方面证实:男性比女性更容易幸灾乐祸。
What's Schadenfreude in Chinese? 幸灾乐祸用中文怎么讲?
Resign, of course, bayed the opposition parties and other commentators in an ecstasy of schadenfreude. “辞职!当然得辞职!”,在野党和其他一些评论员因“沙范事件”窃喜不已,大声嚷嚷道。
Duller books do so and the virtue of Family Wars is that it entertains through schadenfreude. 比较沉闷的书就会详细论述,而《家族战争》的优点在于,它通过幸灾乐祸来娱乐读者。
Schadenfreude feels good, but so does disapproval, and thinking about that party makes me wallow in it. 幸灾乐祸的感觉不错,但反对的感觉也不错。想到这个派对,就让我沉浸在反对的情绪中。
Little wonder that these countries take pride in their growing wealth and spending power and cannot resist a little schadenfreude. 难怪这些国家对于本国财富和消费能力的日益增长颇感自豪,而且难免(对发达国家)有一点点幸灾乐祸。
But at least there were few signs of schadenfreude in London. 但是,在伦敦峰会上至少没有什么幸灾乐祸的迹象。
Our dark side also tends to chime in and we exhibit some schadenfreude when the more pompous leaders in a field are snubbed and some of us also salaciously look forward to another Nobel scandal. 我们黑暗的一面也趋于附和,当一个领域中自以为是的带头人落选时我们表现出幸灾乐祸,并且我们中的一些人也不怀好意的望向另一个诺贝尔奖丑闻。
Those with a taste for schadenfreude will relish tales such as that of Mukesh Ambani. 那些喜欢幸灾乐祸的人会对诸如穆凯什安巴尼(mukeshambani)这样的故事感兴趣。
But that schadenfreude doesn't last long. 但那种幸灾乐祸不会持续很久。
AIM: To analyze the tacit of schadenfreude between individuals, and investigate the influence of benefit, superiority and inferiority on schadenfreude. 目的:分析幸灾乐祸情感反应具有内隐性,并探讨利益关系和优劣势对比对个体间幸灾乐祸情感反应的影响。