The POSIX SCHED_OTHER policy, as implemented by Linux, meets the needs of a variety of applications. 由Linux实现的POSIXSCHEDOTHER策略满足了各种应用程序的需要。
In./ kernel/ sched. c, you'll find the generic schedule() function, which preempts the currently running task ( unless it preempts itself with yield()). 在./kernel/sched.c中,您会看到通用schedule()函数,它会先抢占当前运行任务(除非它通过yield()代码先抢占自己)。
The source for the2.6 scheduler is well encapsulated in the file/ usr/ src/ linux/ kernel/ sched. c. 版本调度器的源代码都很好地封装到了/usr/src/linux/kernel/sched.c文件中。
SCHED_FIFO does not time slice threads. SCHEDFIFO不为线程分时间片。
SCHED_RR and SCHED_FIFO are intended to be used by applications requiring more deterministic and timely needs. SCHEDRR和SCHEDFIFO主要用于具有更高的确定性和时限需求的应用程序。
This function is also generic ( within./ kernel/ sched. c), but it calls the CFS scheduler through the scheduler class. 此函数也是通用的(在./kernel/sched.c中),但它会通过调度器类调用CFS调度器。
Then, after you know which server sent the message, you can issue a "tell amgr sched" command to the server console, to determine which agents on the server are currently enabled. 在知道是哪一服务器发送消息之后,就可以向服务器控制台发出“tellamgrsched”命令以确定服务器上当前启用了哪些代理。
This function simply picks the left-most task from the red-black tree and returns the associated sched_entity. 此函数只是从红黑树中获取最左端的任务并返回相关schedentity。
Defined in kernel/ sched. c, this routine is used to wait killably for the completion of an event. 此例程定义在kernel/sched.c中,它用于等待进程在事件完成后变为可终止状态。
This is closest to the spirit of the RTSJ but it does differ from the SCHED_OTHER policy used for regular Java threads. 这与RTSJ的精神最为接近,但确实与用于普通Java线程的SCHEDOTHER策略不同。
A scheduling class defines a common set of functions ( via sched_class) that define the behavior of the scheduler. 调度类定义一个通用函数集(通过schedclass),函数集定义调度器的行为。
To prevent this situation, the JVM forces the primordial thread to have a non-RT priority& that is, have a SCHED_OTHER policy. 为了防止这种情形,JVM强制原始线程拥有非RT优先级&即拥有SCHEDOTHER策略。
It exports a set of variables to the global namespace like$ os,$ pkg,$ user,$ proc, and$ sched. 它将一组变量导出到全局名称空间,例如$os、$pkg、$user、$proc和$sched。
This section describes more details of thread scheduling as described in the RTSJ and aspects of the Linux SCHED_FIFO policy that more than meet the RTSJ's requirements. 本节描述了比RTSJ更多的线程调度细节以及LinuxSCHEDFIFO策略的一些方面,已经超出了RTSJ的需求。
This behavior reverts to SCHED_OTHER when the regular Java thread releases the lock. 此行为在普通Java线程释放锁时返回到SCHEDOTHER。
The root of the tree is referenced via the rb_root element from the cfs_rq structure ( in./ kernel/ sched. c). 树的根通过rbroot元素通过cfsrq结构(在./kernel/sched.c中)引用。
The runqueue structure can also be found in the/ usr/ src/ linux/ kernel/ sched. c file. 运行队列的结构也可以在/usr/src/linux/kernel/sched.c文件中找到。
Furthermore, at any point, CFS promises to run sched_period ahead because the task last scheduled would run again within that window. 此外,在任何时刻,CFS都承诺超前运行schedperiod,因为最后执行调度的任务将在这个时限内再次运行。
The scheduler account is controlled by the DAS configuration parameter SCHED_USERID. 调度程序帐户由DAS配置参数SCHEDUSERID控制。
Sched_features: Contains information about various debugging-related features. schedfeatures:包含各种与调试相关的特性的信息。
The primordial thread remains a regular Java thread and runs with a non-RT ( SCHED_OTHER) policy. 原始线程仍然是一个普通Java线程并利用非RT(SCHEDOTHER)策略运行。
Both threads are assigned the same default priority in the SCHED_OTHER policy, so both threads are given the same time slice to execute. 在SCHEDOTHER策略中为这两个线程都指定了相同的默认优先级。因此给两个线程分配了相同的时间片执行。
But the SCHED_OTHER policy has some undesirable characteristics. 但是SCHEDOTHER策略具有一些不好的特性。
Linux uses the sched_yield to do the same thing. Linux使用schedyield完成同样的事情。
You can see the various fields of struct task_struct in the Linux kernel source file include/ linux/ sched. h. 您可以在Linux内核源文件include/linux/sched.h中看到structtaskstruct的各个字段。
You can find this and many of the related structures in./ linux/ include/ linux/ sched. h. 您可以在./linux/include/linux/sched.h中找到这些内容以及相关结构。
Leave enough room in your sched for the occasional night when you stay home and process the loss of your relationship. 在你的日程表上留下足够的时间,这样偶尔一晚上,你可以待在家里处理失恋的感觉。