Because the current thread remains schedulable and it is already the thread at the front of the scheduling queue in the OS kernel, it will simply continue to execute. 由于当前线程仍然是可调度的,并且它位于OS内核中的调度队列的最前面,所以它将继续执行。
Latency is lower and more deterministic because handlers become user-configurable, schedulable entities that can be preempted and prioritized just like any other process. 由于处理程序变为用户可配置的、可调度的实体,可以像其他任何进程一样被抢占和优先化,因此延迟变得更短并且更具确定性。
When the module is unloaded, the tasklet_kill function is called to ensure that the tasklet is not in a schedulable state. 当该模块被卸载,函数taskletkill将被调用来保证微线程不处于可调度状态。
This requires that the tasklet_enable function be invoked to make the tasklet schedulable. 这时需要调用函数taskletenable来实现微线程可被调度。
This paper presents a task model for real time systems and gives the conditions that guarantee periodic and aperiodic tasks to be schedulable respectively. 提出了一种实时系统任务模型,分析了该模型中周期和非周期任务可调度的条件,并给出了一种强实时非周期任务的可预测调度算法。
The schedulability of messages is investigated and schedulable condition is given. 分析了信息的可调度性,给出了信息可调度性的判断条件。
The result shows that the designed tasks are schedulable. 结果表明设计的并发任务满足可调度性要求。
The final simulation test shows that the checkpoint-based fault recovery makes the simulation task have shorter worst case response time and make the task set more schedulable. 仿真试验结果表明基于共享检查点文件进行主、副版本任务同步会获得更短的最坏反应时间。
In real-time applications, standard CAN protocol uses static priority algorithm. It gives a low schedulable utilization. 在实时应用中,标准的CAN协议使用静态优先级算法,对传输信道的利用率比较低。
Based on the Rate Monotonic ( RM) Scheduling Algorithm, the sufficient condition of the network schedulable and the stability of the close-loop system is given. 基于静态非抢占RM(RateMonotonic)调度算法,给出网络可调度与闭环系统稳定的充分条件。
At last, by taking electric vehicle as an example, the validity of the schedulable theorem and the FPSD is proven. 最后,以纯电动汽车为例进行了可调度分析和设计,验证了可调度判定定理和所提出的设计方法的有效性。
If a task set is schedulable under static table driven approaches, this algorithm optimizes the energy characteristics of the system statically by dynamic voltage scaling. 若一个任务集可以被静态表驱动方法调度,该算法采用动态电压调节技术对系统实现静态的能量优化。
Schedulability analysis and schedulable judging inequation of the PV-RM are also presented, and the validity of the algorithm is illuminated by analyzing examples. 给出了PV-RM调度算法的可调度性分析及可调度判定不等式,并通过示例分析说明了该算法的有效性。
It can schedule a task and global critical section ( GCS) set that is schedulable under any other direct priority mapping algorithms. 该算法在保证系统可调度的前提下分配任务,或者证明映射后系统不可调度。
A schedulable analysis and design and design method for fixed priority based on CAN and application in electric vehicle CAN总线固定优先级可调度分析与设计方法及其在纯电动汽车中的应用
In the FS-MPC, the constraints guarantee that the task set is schedulable by EDF ( earliest deadline first) algorithm. 在FS-MPC算法中,约束条件保证任务集在最早截止时限优先(EDF)算法下是可调度的;
In order to schedule many kinds of different real-time tasks, dual priority queues scheduling algorithm is given for uniprocessor and the schedulable condition of the tasks is investigated. 首先给出了用于调度多种实时性任务的单处理器调度算法&双优先级队列调度算法,并分析算法的可调度性条件。
Condition of schedulable tasks taking priority inversion into account. 优先级反转协议及其对可调度性的影响。
The schedulability of the algorithm is analyzed and the schedulable condition is given. ( 3) condition of schedulable tasks taking priority inversion into account. 分析了算法的可调度性,给出任务的可调度性条件。(3)优先级反转协议及其对可调度性的影响。
Related schedulable strategies of real-time actions for the two layers are discussed in detail. 阐述并探讨了模型中各层次的实时可调度公式。
Constraint analysis of schedulability and schedulable intervals of time constraint Petri nets TCPN的可调度性及调度区间的约束分析
The basic function of the Smart Electricity System is to integrate technologies including the measurement of real-time electricity power, automatic control, network communication, etc. And the goals of the system are to realise visible, manageable, schedulable, automatically planned electricity consumption and so forth. 智能用电系统的基本功能是融合电能实时计量、自动控制、网络通信等技术,实现电能消费的可见、可控、计划性和自动规划等目标。
Experiment results show that combination of the new bound and the original one can significantly increase the number of schedulable task sets. 实验结果表明在任何参数条件下联合使用两种边界能够显著提高可调度任务集的数量。
Moreover, in order to activate more concurrent data transmissions, when calculating the schedulable set, we activate the far nodes preferentially and redistribute the maximum tolerable interference. 在计算可调度集合时,我们优先选择距离接收节点相对较远的邻居节点,并重新分配接收节点的最大可容忍干扰功率,从而尽可能多地激活并发数据流。