In one deft move, Facebook has purged itself of petabytes of stale marketing schlock ( the equivalent of so many flashy neon signs), obliged companies to engage more earnestly and intimately with their audiences and reinvigorated its brand pages. Facebook通过一次简单的升级,使自己摆脱了大量乏味的营销广告牌(相当于霓虹灯招牌),迫使企业更真诚、更亲密地与受众交流,给自己品牌的Page注入新的活力。
"Be careful, don't buy a schlock car with a pretty design." “小心,不要买品质差造型美的车。”
They sit at home in the afternoon watching all the schlock TV shows. 他们下午坐在家里,看着那些粗制滥造的电视节目。
Women's popular fiction is often described as slush or schlock, but it's still not easy to write. 妇女喜爱的小说常常被说成是无聊和低劣的,但还是不容易写。