Other dogs in the running were the miniature schnauzer, bichon frise, and Chinese crested. 参与评选的其它犬种包括迷你雪纳瑞、卷毛狮子犬和中国冠毛犬。
Cropping& the cutting of ear leathers to make them smaller and to stand them erect as in the Miniature Schnauzer. 剪耳。剪短耳朵的长度,使耳朵变得更小,并使耳朵直立起来,就像迷你雪纳瑞犬。
Coarse hair on top of head; harsh beard and eyebrows, the Schnauzer hallmark. 头顶毛发粗糙,有粗糙的胡须、眉毛,雪纳瑞的典型外观。
In addition, let your Schnauzer sniff and sleep with the new puppy's bedding, which will expose him to her scent. 此外,让你的雪纳瑞犬嗅出和睡眠的新小狗的被褥,这将暴露他对她的气味。