That may sound pesky, but Schweitzer says not: "the people who make a serious effort to get my attention show me they'rewilling to go the extra mile to accomplish tasks." 这听起来虽然有些令人生厌,可施维泽却认为:“那些愿意通过各种努力来吸引我注意的人,让我相信,他们也愿意为了完成任务而加倍努力。”
Dylan Schweitzer, group talent acquisition manager for Enterprise Holdings, says that new job seekers often think they can only work in a field directly related to their major and only apply to jobs in one specific industry. 集团企业控股人才招聘经理迪伦-史怀哲说,新求职者们往往认为自己只能从事直接关系到自己专业领域的工作,只适用于在一个特定的行业工作。
Not everyone we hire is a 4.0 student with a perfect resume, says Schweitzer. 施维泽说:我们聘用的员工并不是一个拥有完美简历,平均分达到4.0的好学生。
Schweitzer provided a preview of material in the book to The Times, which scrutinized his information and built upon it with its own reporting. 施韦泽向时报提供了书中材料的预印本,时报认真核实了他的信息,并在其基础上进行了自己的报道。
Harvard behavioral science professors Alison Wood Brooks and Francesca Gino, along with University of Pennsylvania business professor Maurice Schweitzer, discovered this phenomenon through a series of experiments conducted over the past few years. 哈佛大学行为学教授埃尔森•伍德•布鲁克和弗兰斯克•吉诺,以及宾夕法尼亚大学的商学院教授马利斯•施韦泽经过几年的实验,共同发现了上述结论。
Dr. Schweitzer divided the catch among the fisherman, the boat owner, and the hospital. 施韦策博士把捕来的鱼分给了渔夫、病人和医院三方。
When they find suspected cases, they bring the patient back to the Schweitzer hospital. 当他们发现疑似病例时,会将病人带回Schweitzer医院。
As I speak about appreciation, I use this quote by Albert Schweitzer. 当我说到感激的时候,我会引用阿尔贝特。施韦策尔说过的一段话。
Frank Schweitzer is chair of systems design at ETH Z ü rich, Switzerland. 弗兰克·施韦策是瑞士苏黎世理工学院系统设计专业主任。
Combination of scientific knowledge and ecological ethics as a form of cultural progress& An interpretation of the philosophical text of Albert Schweitzer 科学知识与生态伦理的耦合:文化进步的合理形态&阿尔贝特·史怀泽哲学的文本解读
So going in to ask for a promotion or new responsibilities on the job is probably a good time to recount a funny story or ask about your supervisor's golf game, Schweitzer says. 因此,当你要求升职,或者承担更多的工作责任时,也许是一个说段子,或者了解你上司高尔夫球比赛的好时机。
Nehru, maybe, or Albert schweitzer. 尼赫鲁、或者是施韦策。
One such strand is the life of Albert Schweitzer, a doctor, humanitarian and musician who devoted most of his time to providing medical services to the poor in Africa. 其中一条线就是阿尔伯特史怀哲的一生,史怀哲是一位医生、人道主义者和音乐家,他一生致力于为非洲贫苦人民提供医疗服务事业。
"This is what we need to be aware of," says Schweitzer. 这就是我们需要注意的问题,舒维泽说。
Schweitzer is now working on a series of tests to determine the durability of these emotions: Do they last for minutes, hours, days or weeks? 舒维泽现在正在进行一系列测试,来找出这些情绪能够延续的时间:他们能够持续几分钟、几个小时、几天还是几个星期?
What Schweitzer and Dunn don't know is how long these incidental emotions last. 舒维泽和邓恩尚不知道这些关联情绪能够持续多长时间。
His name is Albert Schweitzer. 他的名字叫亚伯特?史怀哲。
Again, says Schweitzer, links to the business world are clear, in particular because the results speak directly to the issue of "emotional intelligence," a widely discussed concept in recent years. 舒维泽反复强调说,这一研究成果和商业世界的关系是显而易见的。特别是因为研究成果直接说明了“情商”问题,这个概念在近几年得到了广泛的讨论。
Have you read the life of Albert schweitzer? 你读过阿俾徨史怀彻的传记吗?
Schweitzer is one of the rather very few real great humanists in the 20th century, though he failed to found a meaningful, consistent and practice-oriented, and more moderate basis of ethics. 尽管施韦泽没有真正找到富有意义的、始终如一地面向实践的、更温和的伦理学基础,但他是20世纪罕见的真正伟大的人道主义者之一。
Albert Schweitzer as a Pioneer of Bioethics 生物伦理学先驱&阿尔贝特·施韦泽
Three theorems in the paper extend Schweitzer Inequality and Kantorovich Inequality. 本文的三个定理推广了Schweitzer不等式与Kantorovich不等式。
Schweitzer ′ s bioethics pertaining to all living beings is both a practice-oriented ethics and a situation ethics. 这种生物伦理学是面向实践的伦理学,也是情境伦理学;
Effects of different nitrogen applied level on nitrogen Social Progress and the Humanity Cultivation for Intellectuals; The Great Personality of Albert Schweitzer and its Illustration 社会进步与知识分子的人文素养&阿尔贝特·施韦泽的伟大人格及启示
Reverence for life and cultural worldview is the core of Schweitzer 'scultural philosophy, it represents a new cultural pattern. 敬畏生命文化世界观则是施韦泽文化哲学的理论核心,它代表了一种新的文化模式。