科学论派(宗教修行体系,倡导通过学习和训练来获得自我认识和精神上的圆满) a religious system based on getting knowledge of yourself and spiritual fulfilment through courses of study and training
According to the insider, Tom, 48, and Katies devotion to Scientology is the reason that Suris so spoiled. 据内部人士表示,48岁的汤姆和凯蒂之所以这么宠着苏芮是因为他们都是科学论派的人。
Holmes will come up against husband Tom Cruise and his Scientology religion in her custody battle. 在这场抚养权争夺战中,霍尔姆斯既要对付丈夫汤姆克鲁斯,还要应对他的科学神教信仰。
She seems to have been raised in Scientology up to this age, so if the judge comes in and gives custody to Katie Holmes, she can change ( Suri's) religion. 她貌似是在科学神教的环境中长到这个岁数,所以如果法官把抚养权判给凯蒂·霍尔姆斯,她可以改变(苏瑞的)宗教信仰。
And they have all deviled in Scientology. 他们都已经投身知觉教。
Neither has commented on the rumors, and Kidman told The Hollywood Reporter, I've chosen not to speak publicly about Scientology. 不去评论那些流言蜚语,基德曼告诉好莱坞记者,我选择不公开谈论山达基教。
Tom Cruise is the face of Scientology and he convinced Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes to join the church during his respective marriages to them. 汤姆克鲁斯是科学教的脸面人物,在两段婚姻中他说服妮可•基德曼和凯蒂•赫尔姆斯加入了该教会。
I've chosen not to speak publicly about Scientology. 我选择不公开谈论科学教。
Scientology is destructive and a rip-off, the actor said in the video. 山达基是破坏性的,是在敲竹杠,这位演员在视频中说。
Church of Scientology Switzerland, Bern 瑞士基督教科学派教会
Trivia: Cartwright is a leading member of the Church of Scientology. 你知道吗:卡特赖特是基督教科学派的主要成员。
My favourite show is the one about Scientology. And the one about the racist flag. 我最喜欢的是关于科学的那一集,还有讲种族主义旗帜的那一集。
Indeed, Clarke readily took on a formidable array of anti-science beliefs and superstitious practices, from creationism and scientology to astrology and fire-walking. 事实上,克拉克毫不犹豫地对大量反科学信仰以及迷信习俗展开斗争,从神创论和山达基教派到占星术和渡火术。
Theory and practice of safety scientology: early development record of safety science discipline in 1980s 安全科学学理论与实践&20世纪80年代安全科学学科在我国初创纪实
When Scientology takes science as a holographic vision of the universe and life, the scientific view of the arbitrariness leads to the emergence of scientific doctrine. 当科学派将科学作为一种全息的视野审视宇宙人生时,科学视野的独断化就导致了科学主义的产生。
a new religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 and characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment