ADJ (足球、棒球或其他比赛中)双方均未得分的,零比零的 In football, baseball, and some other sports, a scoreless game is one in which neither team has scored any goals or points.
Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam... 挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零逼平荷兰队。
The next six innings were scoreless. 接下来的六局中双方均颗粒无收。
Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam 挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零逼平荷兰队。
The next six innings were scoreless. 接下来的六局中双方均颗粒无收。
With FIFA president Sepp Blatter in attendance, the first half was scoreless and statistically balanced. 国际足联主席布拉特出席了该场女足比赛,上半场双方都没有得分,数据上也打成平手。
I remember punching the air when the second one went in ( it had been a tense game, scoreless for a long time), my mouth open in a soundless scream. 我记得当第二球打进时,我高兴跳了起来(这是场紧张比赛,很长时间都未能进球),我嘴张开做出无声的呐喊。
With a tame game fizzling out into scoreless draw and everyone deciding we'd have to make the most of the post-match celebrations for a day to remember, Frank Lampard went on one final surge towards the box. 当平淡的比赛即将以互交白卷结尾,当所有人决定在赛后得好好庆祝一番这难忘的日子,只见得弗兰克-兰帕德突入禁区,发起最后一击。
Miller scored a total of 31 points during the game, yet he was tightly guarded and held scoreless in the second overtime. 米勒全场共拿下三十一分,但在第二次延长赛遭到封锁,一分未得。
One day after Manchester United dropped two points at home, Chelsea had to be content with a scoreless draw away at Newcastle United. 在曼联主场失去本应得到的两分后,切尔西也应该对与纽卡斯尔的零进球平局感到满意。
The afternoon's game almost paled into insignificance following the lengthy celebrations but the decision to allow Claude Makelele to take the stoppage time penalty with the game scoreless was definitely not part of the Mourinho masterplan. 在盛大的庆典之后今天下午暗淡无光的比赛已经无关大局,但是补时阶段由马克莱莱主罚点球打破球荒倒绝对不是穆里尼奥宏伟计划中的一部分。
Although we celebrated a penalty shootout victory I have to say it was a disappointing scoreless game from start to finish. 虽然我们打赢了那场点球大战,但我得说整场比赛都乏善可陈。
Abreu then planted a0-1 pitch into the right field bleachers, a three-run shot that emphatically ended Webb's scoreless innings streak at161/ 3. 阿伯在1好0坏的球数时把球打上露天看台的三分炮,断然结束韦伯16又1/3局连续无失分的记录。
After a short first start there, he racked up131/ 3 scoreless innings over two outings. 就在那次先发后,他飙出了两场先发中十三又三分之一局无失分。