Listening to the scratchy recording, I recognized Walt Whitman immediately. 听到沙哑的录音,我立刻知道那是沃尔特·惠特曼。
Wool is so scratchy that it irritates the skin. 毛料衣服太扎人,令皮肤很不舒服。
Accent still in his scratchy voice at the age of 78. 尽管今年已经78岁高龄,但他依旧是一幅招牌式的坦诚直率,沙哑的语调中带着一丝马萨诸塞州萨伦地区的口音。
I sat on our scratchy brick stoop, dangling my legs off the edge, feeling as rootless as I've ever felt. 我在砖面粗糙的门廊上坐下,双脚悬荡着,一种前所未有的无根感涌上心头。
He says he loved everything about the vinyl sound, even the scratchy noise as the needle touched down on the record. 他说他热爱任何和乙烯声音有关的东西,甚至是指针划过唱片的刺耳声。
Through the wall, I could hear the scratchy sound of Radio Kabul News. 隔着墙,我能听到喀布尔新闻广播电台沙沙的声音。
This sweater is too scratchy. 这件毛衣太扎了。
It's an interesting illustration of a very general principle of the brain controlling its own inputs, in this case by making movements that triggers an interaction between scratchy touch and itch. 这是对大脑控制其自身输入这一一般原则进行的一次有趣的诠释。
I hope you can read my scratchy writing. 我希望你能看得懂我潦草的字迹。
The most likely outcome would be that Britain would find itself as a scratchy outsider with somewhat limited access to the single market, almost no influence and few friends. 最有可能的结局是,英国可能发现自己如同一个性格乖张的局外人,虽然可以有限度地进入统一市场,但是对欧洲几乎没有影响力,朋友也寥寥无几。
Scratchy and dictatorial, he began to question her. 他开始咄咄逼人地追问起她来。
Many people with dry eye complain of scratchy eyes when they wake up; this symptom can be lessened by using an artificial tear ointment at bedtime. 许多干眼症患者抱怨醒来时眼睛发痒,这种症状可以通过睡前使用人工泪液软膏来缓解。
Some people may experience hearing changes, scratchy sore throats, hoarseness, and cough. 一些人可能经历过听力改变、咽喉刺痛、声嘶和咳嗽。
Use this setting if clips play at wrong speed or sound scratchy or distorted. ( Requires a floating point coprocessor) 如果剪辑播放速度不正确或声音质量较差,请使用该设置(需要浮点协处理器)。
Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold of flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts. 喉咙发痒,鼻塞鼻子和全身酸痛所有法术的痛苦,但能够判断的原因是寒冷的禽流感可能有所作为在多久的痛苦即止。
Potter looked at his enemy. "I ain't got a gun on me, Scratchy," he said," Honest, I ain't." He was stiffening and steadying. 波特看着对手。我没有带枪,斯克莱奇,他说,真的,我没有带。他开始镇定和强硬起来。
The scratchy feel of it would wake me up. 胡扎的感觉就会把我弄醒。
For its part, Japan began its enduring friendship with America after a scratchy radio broadcast in which Emperor Hirohito, hitherto considered a living god, entreated his subjects to endure the unendurable and bear the unbearable. 对日本来说,日本与美国的长久友谊始于裕仁天皇(Hirohito)的投降诏书。在咝咝啦啦的广播中,此前被视为神的裕仁天皇恳求他的臣民们忍所难忍,耐所难耐。
A scratchy old recording of Billie holiday. 一张带沙沙音的比利霍里得的老唱片。
He bought a shag rug. a rough, scratchy Blanket. 他买了一条粗毛毯子。
Scratchy old recordings of arias blast across the dimly lit room, which is sparsely peopled by an attentive clientele, mostly solitary and often gay. 咏叹调的刺耳老唱片声音穿过了灯光昏暗的房间,里面稀疏坐着专心致志的客人,大多数独自一人,通常都是男同性恋者。
Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective as in happiness boosting immune function and subjective as in happy people being less troubled by a scratchy throat or runny nose. 研究人员认为,这可以从客观和主观两方面来解释,从客观上说,快乐的情绪可以增强人体的免疫力;从主观上说,快乐的人对于嗓子疼、流鼻涕等感冒症状没那麽敏感。
I remember that, the handwritings of this earthshaking fragment were in different colors, one was in light blue ink, and another was in dark blue, scratchy handwritings. 我记得,这篇影响深远的断章字迹颜色不同,一种墨水是浅蓝,另一种是深蓝,且字迹潦草。
Those are the scratchy sounds you hear from a modem's speaker. 那些就是你从调制解调器的扬声器中听到的“沙沙”声。
Causing itching or stinging. scratchy throat 发痒的,产生痛痒的沙哑的喉咙,刺痛发痒的咽喉
The bushes made a scratchy sound against the window. 灌木被风吹到窗户上,发出沙沙的响声。
There I am, standing alone in a puddle of flammable liquid, the stuff is seeping through my clothes; it feels clammy and scratchy. 就这样,我独自一人站在易燃液体的水洼里,那液体浸透了我的衣服,粘湿又刺痒。
Nicolas Anelka is the league's top-goal scorer but many of his goals have been scratchy and come only after opponents have already gone behind. 尽管尼古拉斯·阿内尔卡是联赛的最佳射手,但是他的进球不过是靠运气,或者对手在场后他趁虚而入罢了。
Every turn to weather now cool pharynx ministry is scratchy cough. 现在每到天气转凉便咽部发痒咳嗽。