The world is full of scribblers. I don't intend to join their ranks. 这个世上净是些蹩脚文人。我不想与他们为伍。
The blogosphere and the cable news networks seized on both sets of comments: a few beleaguered CEOs have blamed the grim economy on glass-half-empty scribblers but the truth is most of the American media is as keen as the rest of the US for some good news. 博客圈和有线新闻网紧抓住这二人的言论不放:有些身陷困境的首席执行官把严峻的经济形势归咎于杞人忧天的三流文人,但事实是,美国媒体和其他美国人一样渴望好消息。
But it is also true of lesser-known scribblers. 一些鲜为人知的三流作家也是如此。