Every piece is closely scrutinised, and if there is the slightest blemish on it, it is rejected. 每一件物品都经过严格检查,稍有瑕疵就会被退回。
Lloyds 'results were carefully scrutinised as a guide to what to expect from the other banks. 对劳埃德银行的业绩进行了仔细分析,以确定对其他银行的表现可以作何种期待。
The estimates are likely to be scrutinised by auditors and regulators since they come at a time when the issue of security pricing has become controversial. 由于证券定价已经成为一个有争议的问题,上述估价可能会受到审计与监管机构的详细审查。
Too often, excess capital has been ploughed into poorly scrutinised investments. 常常,过剩资金流入了审查不严的投资项目。
All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinised for signs of wear or damage. 飞机的所有部件都经过严密检查以确定是否有磨损或毁坏的迹象。
Chief executives are scrutinised endlessly, the work done by their colleagues much less so. 首席执行官不断受到审查,他们同事所做的工作却很少如此。
You are scrutinised as never before. 你受到前所未有的审视。
The conduct of local politicians, so far untouched by the investigations, should also be scrutinised. 当地政客迄今还未成为调查的目标,他们的行为也应该受到审查。
Mr Diller wants the deal to be scrutinised carefully by regulators and conditions imposed. 迪勒希望监管部门仔细审查该交易,并对其附加条件。
The pay package awarded to Mr Benmosche will be closely scrutinised by Congress and regulators. 授予本默切的薪酬方案将受到美国国会和监管机构的严格审查。
Any video footage of the attack will be closely scrutinised to see whether he was a combatant, rather than a prisoner. 任何袭击的视频镜头将会被严格仔细检查来确定他是一个战斗者还是囚犯。
Every week the time sheets were scrutinised. 每星期都要仔细查对计工表。
Research that is not scrutinised by the public risks not meeting society's needs. 没有被公众监督的研究会具有无法满足社会需要的风险。
Every store closure is closely scrutinised internally and externally. 每家店铺的停业都受到内外部的严密关注。
Japan is already the most heavily indebted major economy in the world, meaning any funding efforts would be closely scrutinised by financial markets. 日本已经是世界上负债最重的经济大国,这意味着任何资金的动向都会被金融市场密切的监视。
Will China be able to replicate the industrial animal production model, the myriad costs of which are now being heavily scrutinised in the industrialised world? 在发达国家都对工业化畜牧生产所带来的巨大成本进行严格审视的时候,中国是否能够复制这一模式?
However, the remarks will be scrutinised by policymakers and investors on both sides of the Atlantic. 不过,美国和欧洲的决策者和投资者都将仔细审视这番言论。
The population scrutinised by20% of the world's CCTV, to be catalogued on an insecure ID card register and every movement tracked and taxed. 人口被世界上20%的闭路电视监视着,将要被编入一个不安全的身份证注册,每个行动都被跟踪和征税。
A special committee scrutinised the activities of the organisation. 一个特别委员会审议该组织的活动。
The work of European auditors on companies with US share listings could be scrutinised by their home regulators, rather than the PCAOB, so long as the monitoring is deemed robust enough. 欧洲审计师对有股票在美国上市的公司进行的审计工作,可以由欧洲本地监管机构来审查,而不是由美国上市公司会计监管委员会审查,前提是欧洲监管机构的审查足够有力。
Experts examined them under the light and scrutinised their colouration. 专家们仔细地观察着它们的颜色。
Meanwhile Admiralty policy had again been most carefully scrutinised. 在此期间,海军部的政策又经过一次极端缜密的研究。
Professional analysts scrutinised the contents of these regulatory announcements and advised their clients on their implications. 专业分析人士仔细审查这些监管公告的内容,就其意义向他们的顾客提供咨询。
Kivung leaders scrutinised the revelations of missionaries for hidden truths and codes. 基翁领导人仔细审查传教士的启示以寻找暗藏的真理和守则。
Most street pat-downs are never recorded, scrutinised by a prosecutor, challenged by a lawyer or adjudicated by a judge. 大多数街头搜身行为从来就没留下什么记录,检察官从未仔细考量过,律师也从未对此提出任何异议,法官更是从未对此下达任何裁决。
Anxious parents have scrutinised lists of affected brands posted online or published in newspapers to find a "safe" label to buy for their children only to find that more and more brands are caught up in the scandal. 为给孩子买到“安全”品牌,焦虑的家长非常仔细地察看发布在网站或刊登在报纸上的受影响品牌名单,却发现越来越多的品牌有问题。
When the researchers, led by Dr Aaron Sell, scrutinised the findings further, they found how attractive other people rated the women also tallied. 当以亚伦赛尔为代表的研究人员进一步仔细研究这项结果时,他们发现这和其他人对女性魅力程度的评价也相吻合。
Few doubt that Mr Putin will triumph in the elections, as he attempts to return to the presidency for a third term, but the results will be scrutinised as a test of his popularity. 随着普京试图重返总统宝座,竞选第三个任期,很少有人对他取得大选胜利表示怀疑,但选举结果将会被当作对他受欢迎程度的一次检验。
But with dozens of new lines scheduled to open in the next two years, the high-speed connections already in operation are being carefully scrutinised. 但是,考虑到将有数十条计划中的新建高铁线路在未来两年启用,目前已投入运营的高铁线路正受到密切审视。
The cross-investment is one of the largest of its kind to involve a US and Chinese financial institution and is expected to be closely scrutinised by regulators and politicians on both sides. 这是中美金融机构此类最大规模的交叉投资之一,预计将受到两国监管机构和政界人士的严密审查。