There is no method of obtaining a velvety lawn but by repeated mowings; and there is no way of developing tenderness, evenness, sympathy, but by the passing of God's scythes. 要得到一块柔润的草地,唯一的方法就是常常割草;要得到一个温柔、和平、怜悯的心,唯一的方法就是常经神的镰刀割修。
This may come as a disappointment, but most Viking men brandished scythes, not swords. 这也许是挺让人失望的一件事,维京男人们最经常使用的不是剑,而是镰刀。
Scythes swished to and fro. 长柄大镰刀嗖嗖地来回挥动。
I'll tell you what: go to the forge now and get some more scythes. 我告诉你怎么做:你现在就去铁匠店多买几把镰刀回来。
The guards dragged him away to a dark dungeon, in the middle of which was a deep well with sharp scythes all round it. 卫兵们把牧羊人拖向黑暗的地牢,地牢的中间是一个深井,四周插满了尖利的长镰。
He found it a very good one. the swish of scythes. 他发觉那真是把好镰刀。
He brought some scythes to the field and spread them on the uncut hay. 他带了几把镰刀赶到牧草地,把它们分散开来置于尚未收割的秣草上。
P.M.A shopper scythes through bitter cold to reach a boutique on Red Square. 下午6:01,一位购物者冒着寒风走向红场上的一家品牌服装店。
Then all the scythes began to work at once. 这时,所有的镰刀立即开始割草。