Requirements for Selection of Sealless Centrifugal Pumps 无密封离心泵选用时应注意的问题
Design study on multiphase sealless vertical centrifugal pump 多相流立式无轴封离心泵的设计研究
Magnetic drive pump utilizing magnet coupling, achieving non-contact moment transfer, is a new kind of sealless, non-leakage, non-contamination industry pump for thoroughly solving mechanical seal problems. 磁力泵采用磁力传动,实现力矩的无接触传递,是为彻底解决机械传动泵轴封泄漏而设计的无密封、无泄漏、无污染的新型工业用泵。
The method presented in this paper have some advantages such as limitless number of points, high efficiency of constructing TIN, fast inquiry and continuous sealless DTM ete. 所建立的数字地面模型具有对数据量不限,执行效率高,查询速度快,连续无缝等特点。
The sealless pump with its zero leakage and high-efficient technology could greatly reduce the pollution to surrounding environment and protect the health of employees. Therefore, the sealless pump has applied in petroleum and chemical industries broadly. 无泄漏泵由于其零泄漏、高效能的技术,能够有效减少对周围环境的污染和保护员工的身心健康,因此在石油、化工等行业中得到广泛的应用,市场竞争也日趋激烈。