Searchers have found three mountain climbers missing since Saturday. 搜救人员已经找到了周六失踪的3名登山者。
The searchers fanned out to look for the missing boy. 搜寻人员四下散开寻找失踪的孩子。
You can hear the barking of dogs and the unmistakable sound of hostile searchers nearby. 您可以听到附近的狗叫声及清晰的敌方搜寻者的声音。
Today, with advanced-search algorithms, most searchers can find information of interest in the first few pages, or they can rapidly refine a search based on related terms that are highlighted. 今天,使用高级搜索算法,大多数搜索都可以在头几个页面中找到感兴趣的信息,或者可以基于突出显示的相关词条快速改进搜索。
To improve on this design and significantly increase performance, Solr employs a "warming" strategy where new Searchers are warmed up before being brought online to service live user queries. 要改进这一设计和显著提高性能,Solr引入了一种“温暖”策略,即把这些新的Searcher联机以便为现场用户提供查询服务之前,先对它们进行“热身”。
Searchers won't search for words that describe the solution. 搜索者不会搜索那些描述解决方案的单词。
Career clubs are popping up nationwide to help out-of-work job searchers. 职业俱乐部是在全国都有的,旨在帮助失业的求职者。
However, policy makers and re searchers should see some of the material, he says, in order to understand the cult of violence that Isis in particular is propagating. 然而,他表示政策制定者和研究者应该看一些这种内容,以便理解ISIS特别着重宣传的暴力崇拜。
Searchers needed 36 hours to locate the first wreckage of Air France Flight 447, which crashed over the Atlantic five years ago with 228 people aboard. 五年前,载有228人的法国航空公司(AirFrance)447航班在大西洋坠毁,搜寻队伍用了36个小时才首次找到客机残骸的位置。
Searchers click on product ads 34% more frequently than regular text ads, according to Adobe Systems Inc.'s research arm. 据奥多比系统公司(AdobeSystemsInc.)旗下的研究公司说,相比常规的文字广告,搜索者对这类产品广告的点击量要高出34%。
Outraged human-flesh searchers discovered she was a nurse in the north-east. 愤怒的人肉搜索者们搜索到她是东北地区的一个护士。
As night fell, searchers were still looking for another person who was missing after a second avalanche about a half-mile from the first, on national forest land. 黑夜降临了,距第一次雪崩发生地约半英里远的地方又发生了雪崩,随后营救人员继续寻找另外一名失踪者。
Then we go door to door and ask for voluntary searchers. 然后我们挨家挨户地去寻找自愿搜查者。
Searchers in North Carolina will be looking for a missing boy scout again today. 今天北卡罗莱纳州的搜寻者们将再次寻找失踪的男童子军。
More searchers are heading up the mountain today and the National Guard will send a helicopter. 今天更多的搜寻者前往那座山,国家警卫将派遣一部飞机。
A daily pleasure for many Internet searchers, his ever-changing logos give the search giant's homepage even more appeal. 每天,他那些变化多样的徽标都给众多因特网搜索者以赏心悦目之感,也使得谷歌这搜索巨人的主页变得更具吸引力。
This paper provides a description of the methods, skills, and knowledge of expert searchers working on medical literature search. 本文就医学文献检索的基本概念、法和技巧作一简要介绍。
Searchers rescued the boys lost in the mountains. 搜索者救出了在山中迷失的男孩子们。
The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack until the searchers had gone away. 越狱的囚犯们一直躲在干草堆里,直到搜寻者离去。
Write Your Content with Searchers in Mind: How do you find information on the Internet? 撰写目录时考虑其他搜索者可能用到的词汇:如何在网路上找信息?
Individual paragraphs will be accompanied by descriptive tags to orient potential searchers; 每一单独的段落将会伴有描述标签,来引导潜在图书搜索者;
Searchers found his remains in Iraqi desert after getting tips from Iraqis who remembered his jet's crash and witnessed his burial. 一些伊拉克人回忆起他的飞机残骸,目睹了他被埋葬的情景。搜救人员早收到相关信息之后在伊拉克沙漠找到了他的遗体。
Searchers move through a four-county area to assess the damage. 调查人员在四个郡的范围内对灾害进行了评估。
Currently, the science searchers have delved arcanum about kiss. 日前,一组科学研究人员探究了接吻的奥秘。
The searchers looked for the missing child everywhere possible. 搜寻者在每一个可能的地方寻找丢失的儿童。
Google says the new service is intended to address two issues for mobile searchers. 谷歌表示,这项新服务的推出是要解决两个移动搜索用户经常会遇到的问题。
We also need to create ranking algorithms which are able to determine the value to searchers of a given site in relation to their query. 同时我们也需要创建一个排名算法来决定用户搜索到的相关信息的价值大小。
Of particular interest for the searchers will be the so-called black box flight and data recorders, but the ocean is very deep at the remote location. 引起搜寻人员特别兴趣的是所谓的黑盒子,就是飞行和数据记录器。但是坠机地点太远,海水很深。
Last year, the South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions of WHO jointly issued a step-by-step guide explaining how to conduct patent searchers for medicines. 去年,世卫组织东南亚和西太平洋区域办事处联合发布了解释如何按步骤开展药物专利搜索的指南。
Our goal is to build a search engine that returns the most relevant results to searchers. 我们的任务就是建立一个能够将最精确的结果带给搜索用户的搜索引擎。