He was very prone to seasickness and already felt queasy. 他快晕船了,已经感到恶心了。
Europeans take melons for a preventive against seasickness. 欧洲人吃瓜作为预防晕船的方法。
Seaborne financial investors could be in for a bout of seasickness. 海运业务的金融投资者可能会有些晕船。
The ship rocked violently from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness. 4轮船剧烈地左右晃动,许多乘客都晕船了。
Commonly used drugs such as methyldopa, Symmetrel, Inderal, cimetidine, scopolamine seasickness patches, and digitalis preparations. 常用药物,如甲基多巴、盐酸金刚烷胺、心得安、甲腈咪胺、莨菪胺晕船膏药和洋地黄制剂。
Objective To study the changes and the mechanism of iron metabolism in the process of seasickness adaptation. 目的观察晕船适应过程中铁代谢的变化规律及可能机制,研究铁剂干预对晕船适应的影响。
Staring at the horizon really does make people steadier while at sea and free of seasickness, according to a study published in the journal Psychological Science. 据美国“趣闻科学”网站27日报道,一项刊登在美国期刊《心理科学》的研究称,举目远眺地平线可使出海的人们更加镇定,免于晕船。
One of the best temporary cures for pride and affectation is seasickness: a man who wants to vomit never puts on airs. 对自尊自大与装模作样的最佳应急疗法就是晕船:要呕吐的人是决不摆架子的。
It is mainly used to treat summer-head, mind-cold due to exogenous evils, headache, nausea vomiting, seasickness, carsickness, etc. 主要用于治疗暑热、外感风寒、头痛、恶心呕吐、晕船等病证。
After the second day, recovered from seasickness, the full passenger list was in evidence, and the more he saw of the passengers the more he disliked them. 过了第二天,晕船的都恢复过来,全船旅客都&一露了面。他越和旅客们来往就越不喜欢他们。
Seasickness tablets often cause drowsiness. 晕船药常使人困倦。
Pills for seasickness often induce drowsiness. 晕船药片常常会引起磕睡。
Many cases of seasickness originate in indigestion. 许多人晕船是由于消化不良而引起的。
Screen of seasickness behavior indices of simulated seasickness in rats and observation of adaptability rules 模拟晕船大鼠晕船行为学指标的筛选及适应规律的观察
Typical indicators for seasickness are a dry mouth, cold sweat, dizziness and nausea, sometimes followed by vomiting. 典型的晕船症状是口干、出冷汗、头昏眼花并且恶心,有时候还会呕吐。
Seasickness was everywhere and people had no appetite. 到处都是晕船的,人们没有食欲。
But for Florence a visceral dread, a helpless disgust as palpable as seasickness is overwhelming her. 但对佛罗伦萨而言,一种和晕船一样明显、发自内心的恐惧和无助的恶心正席卷全身。
Objective In order to screen the differentially expressed genes in brain stem of the seasickness susceptible rats. 目的筛选晕船易感大鼠脑干组织差异表达基因。
Study of the correlation between personality trait, cognitive style and seasickness symptoms 人格特质、认知方式与晕船症状的相关研究
The correlations of seasickness susceptibility with Coriolis acceleration tolerance and total protein and amylase in saliva Coriolis加速度耐力、唾液总蛋白和淀粉酶与晕船敏感性的相关性
Rats stimulated of A group were divided into two small groups: seasickness group and non-seasickness group; 根据是否异嗜高岭土及异嗜高岭土量的变化趋势对A组和B组的模拟晕船刺激大鼠进一步分组:A组大鼠分为晕船组和不晕船组;
Calculation to Intensity of Acid Without Oxygen the mRNA level of phosphofructokinase in brain stem of the seasickness rats and seasickness susceptible rats were higher than those in any other rats. 与无氧酵解有关的磷酸果糖激酶在晕船大鼠和晕船易感大鼠脑干中高表达。
Effects of Oxygen Preconditioning on Seasickness in Rats and Its Mechanism 氧预处理对大鼠晕船的影响及其机制探讨
The survey and analyses of related factors on the process of the habituation and off-habituation of seasickness 晕船适应和脱适应相关因素的调查与分析
Objective To explore the effect of hypoxic preconditioning on certain habituation processes in rats treated by mimic seasickness. 目的探讨低氧预处理对大鼠受模拟晕船刺激适应过程的影响。
Objective To study the relationship between seasickness and the differential expression of energy metabolism genes. 目的探讨部分能量代谢相关基因的表达与发生晕船的可能机制。
Effect of hypoxic preconditioning on severity of seasickness and iron concentrations in brain and serum of rat 低氧预处理对大鼠晕船程度及脑区与血清铁含量的影响
High sea wave and surge might be the main factors in inducing seasickness. 风浪和涌是引起晕船病的主要因素。
Oxidative stress played an important role in the development of seasickness although it might not be the pivotal pathogenesis. 氧化应激在晕船易感性的发生中起到非常重要作用。