In 2008, a mentally ill passenger repeatedly stabbed and decapitated his seatmate on a Greyhound bus in Canada. 2008年,加拿大曾发生一起骇人听闻的惨案,一名精神有疾病的华裔灰狗乘客在巴士上用刀刺死邻座,甚至把对方的头和其他身体器官砍了下来。
'If I'm on an airplane, and my seatmate starts making a phone call, there's not a lot of places I can go,' she says. 她说:假如我坐在飞机上,我的同座开始打电话,我能够躲的地方可不多。
All I wanted was a chance to read my book, but my seatmate talked my ear off. 我巴不得能有机会看书,但我的同桌却唠唠叨叨地说个不停。