Scholars should stay away from sectarian disputes. 学者宜远离门户纷争。
And so we believe those same sectarian conflicts can be overcome in the Middle East and North Africa. 因此我们相信,中东和北非那些同样的宗派冲突是可以克服的。
Iraqis are a proud people. They have rejected sectarian war, and they have no interest in endless destruction. 伊拉克人是一群骄傲的人,他们已经拒绝宗派战争,他们对无休止的破坏不感兴趣。
Extremists will continue to set off bombs, attack Iraqi civilians and try to spark sectarian strife. 极端分子将继续引爆炸弹,袭击伊拉克平民,试图引发宗派冲突。
But their purported leaders, whether Shia, Sunni or Kurd, tend to pursue factional and sectarian advantage, treating institutions as booty in a zero-sum game that threatens the survival of the country. 但他们所谓的领导人无论是什叶派、逊尼派还是库尔德人倾向于捞取派系和宗派之利,把国家机构当成零和游戏中的战利品。这种零和游戏威胁到伊拉克的存亡。
Ordinary Iraqis of all sectarian stripes dread the intensification of a terrorist campaign by Sunni jihadists. 所有宗教派系的普通伊拉克人都在担心逊尼派圣战分子制造的恐怖活动加剧。
Amid rising sectarian tensions in Baghdad, there were many as yet unsubstantiated rumours of reprisals against Sunni Muslims. 随着巴格达的宗派紧张关系加剧,有关对逊尼派穆斯林展开报复的谣言四起。
Terrorism and sectarian warfare threatened to tear Iraq apart. 恐怖主义和宗派战争曾使伊拉克陷入分崩离析的危险。
In other words, what I'm reading in1 John is representing again a radical sectarian group. 换句话说,我从约翰一书中读到的,就代表了一种激进的教派主义的团体。
These societies are not fragmented by tribal or sectarian conflicts. 相关国家的社会并未因部落或教派冲突而分裂。
The result was a tragic escalation of sectarian rage and reprisal that continues to this day. 其结果是一直延续到今天的教派怒火和报复的悲剧式升级。
Iraqi officials say public discord encourages sectarian violence. 伊拉克官员表示公开的不和助长了宗派之间的暴力冲突。
In these cases, unfortunately, tribal and sectarian conflicts may lead to chaos and civil war, ultimately dragging the Middle East backward into conflict and fanaticism, not forward. 不幸的是,在后一种模式中,部落和教派冲突有可能导致混乱和内战,最终把中东拖回战争和宗教狂热,而不是推动其走向进步。
In this deadly terrain, Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia are poisonously sectarian. 在这个充满仇恨的地区,什叶派的伊朗与逊尼派的沙特水火不容。
Both the government and opposition accuse each other of encouraging sectarian violence. 政府和反对派互相指控对方煽动宗派暴力。
The dark forces of civil conflict and sectarian war will have to be averted, and difficult political and economic concerns addressed. 他们必须避免国内冲突的黑暗面和宗派之间的战争,强调艰难的政治和经济改变。
The Road Rats are not sectarian or separatist or racist fight against oppression, jealousy, selfishness, the poverty, bigotry, deceit and malice. 老鼠的路而不是宗派或反对分裂主义或种族主义压迫,嫉妒,自私,贫穷,偏执,欺骗和恶意的斗争。
While there's more to be done, sectarian violence, civilian deaths, and military deaths are down. 同时,有更多的事情要做,宗派暴力,平民死亡,军事等死亡也减少了。
Probably the most damaging factor in the long-term is the sectarian strategy that Mr Assad led personally. 从长期来看,破坏性最强的因素可能是阿萨德亲自抓的教派战略。
He called on terrorists on both sides of the sectarian divide to end the cycle of violence. 他呼吁闹宗派的双方恐怖分子结束暴力的循环。
They must be completely united and must oppose sectarian tendencies. 两者必须完全团结一致,必须反对宗派主义的倾向。
Cadres from the outside and those from the locality must unite and combat sectarian tendencies. 外来干部和本地干部必须团结,必须反对宗派主义倾向。
The negotiations led to the1998 Good Friday Agreement, which ended decades of sectarian violence in the British province. 其谈判引导了1998年星期五和平协议,这结束了英国地区十年的宗派暴力。
This& what made this group a sectarian group was we had very firm boundaries. 使得这个团体成为教派主义团体的是,我们有非常明确的界限。
Cadres should guard against sectarian tendencies. 干部应该防止宗派主义的倾向。
Helpfully, Libya has no sectarian divide. 利比亚没有宗派分歧,这是有利条件之一。
This group is frequently attacked as sectarian and fanatical. 这个团体常被人抨击为闹宗派主义和头脑发热。
Sectarian violence strikes central Baghdad. 巴格达中心发生了宗教暴力冲突。