The church can only go so far in secular matters. 教会在世俗事务上只能做这么多。
Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates 英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。
Cardinal Daly has said that churches should not be used for profane or secular purposes. 戴利主教已经说过,教堂不应该用于非宗教或世俗的目的。
He spoke about preserving the country as a secular state. 他谈及了保持该国世俗化的问题。
Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican 墨西哥是个世俗国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。
The country is governed by secular and religious leaders and governing bodies. 整个国家由一个长期的信教领导人和政治体制所统治。
Many values taught by religion are reinforced by society through more secular systems. 在许多宗教中灌输的价值观都被社会通过更加长期的制度体系加强完善了。
We are not believers in the more extreme interpretations of secular stagnation or deflation. 我们并非长期停滞或通缩等更极端解读的信徒。
This decline in potential growth leads directly to the debate about the savings glut and secular stagnation. 这种潜在增长率的下降直接引发了关于储蓄过剩和长期停滞的争论。
It is approached as if it was a secular, political and diplomatic matter. 这是由于接近如果这是一个世俗的,政治和外交问题。
We can, however, find what makes a heavenly dragon in secular Dragon Lantern culture. 但是,我们却可以在世俗化的龙灯文化中,找到中国龙的全部意趣。
You stop singing that secular music. 你别再唱那些世俗的歌了。
Make secular, as of societies. 使长期的在社会上生活。
Academic power in early medieval universities gradually developed in the extrusion of the church, secular society. 早期中世纪大学的学术权力是在教会和世俗社会的挤压中逐步发展起来的。
The American greeting card and decoration industries encourage the celebration of both religious and secular holidays. 美国的节日贺卡和装饰业增添了宗教节日和习俗节日的欢乐气氛。
They also undertook work in Bengal in1874, but this has since been relinquished to the secular clergy. 他们还承诺在孟加拉工作于1874年,但是这已经放弃了对世俗的神职人员。
Transcends life and death, the secular interests of the Department can be dismissed. 超越了生死,对世俗利益就能淡然处之了。
Medieval social organization did not generate a philosophy oriented to problems of social change and secular political obligation. 在中世纪社会组织的环境中,根本无法产生专门研究社会变迁和世俗政治义务问题的哲学。
Atheist China is now the site for a very secular form of pilgrimage. 无神论的中国现在成了一种非常世俗的朝拜形式的目的地。
We live in an increasingly secular society. 宗教之“世俗化”、“生活化”为其特色。我们生活在一个日益非宗教的社会。
Tess of the reasons for the tragedy but also in secular bias and moral hypocrisy of the religious persecution. 苔丝悲剧的原因也表现在世俗道德偏见的作弄以及伪善的宗教迫害。
These three concerns secular stagnation and deflation, slow underlying economic growth and rising inequality are real. 这三个令人担忧的问题&长期停滞和通缩,缓慢的经济潜在增长以及不平等的扩大,都是确实存在的。
Do you believe in perpetual love in this secular world? 在这个世俗的世界你还相信有天长地久的爱情吗?
Secular change, and the physics and metaphysics of constant flux are accommodated in these two pulses. 世俗变迁,以及物理学和形而上学之间的不断变化与这两种脉动相适应。
But can secular theories of psychology become truly "integrated" with the Bible's teaching? 可是,世俗的心理理论,真的能够与《圣经》的教义「融合」吗?
We live in a secular age, and I'm a product of it. 我们生活在一个非宗教的时代,我是这个时代的产物。
These objects have their own characteristics and uses, in secular life, it is difficult to see. 这些器物都各有其特色和用途,在世俗生活中是难以见到的。
After leaving her husband Annie Besant completely rejected Christianity and in1874 joined the Secular Society. 离职后她的丈夫安妮贝赞特完全拒绝了基督教和于1874年加入了世俗社会。
However, the realities always add some secular dirt to love. 但是,现实之中的爱总会被世俗添上了一些污垢。
Confronting with the secular society, they were endowed with much secularity. 但因置身世俗社会,她们的活动又被赋予了世俗特性。