Ali Salabi, a cleric often seen on the popular pan-Arab Al Jazeera television channel, says the council's executive committee is made up of "extreme secularists". 阿里·萨拉比是泛阿拉伯地区半岛电视台常常路面的牧师,声称目前国会的执行委员会是由一帮“极端政教分离论者”组成的。
And in the Palestinian territories it fortifies Hamas, which finds religious objections to peace with Israel, at the expense of the more accommodating secularists of Fatah. 在巴勒斯坦,它以舍弃更能助其一臂之力的法塔赫非宗教者为代价,增强了哈马斯的实力,而哈马斯正是用宗教的借口来反对与以色列和解。