Under the influence of, Seminar is secularizing, consumerism affects "small world" which is full of money and fame that lead social ideology and symbolisms of heraldry. 在消费主义的影响下,研讨会被去神圣化,消费主义影响下的“小世界”充斥着金钱、名利为主导的社会意识形态和符号象征意义。
There are dynamic various relations among religion, scientific rationality and secularizing trend. 宗教、科学理性和世俗化趋势之间具有动态的、多样性的联系。
Secularizing Process and the Solution of Pariah Question 印度世俗化进程与贱民问题的解决
On the Secularizing Reform of the Pahlavi Kingdom 伊朗巴列维王朝的世俗化改革