Few males can resist a self-confident seductress. 很少有男人能抵挡住志在必得的女人的勾引。
Email is such a seductress in terms of distraction because it poses as valid work, he says. 他说:因为电子邮件造成一种有效工作的假象,所以特别容易让人分心。
Cruel seductress, devil in disguise as an angel. 残酷的妖精,魔鬼在自己伪装成天使。
Wrapped in nothing more than a towel, and gazing through messy hair, Jennifer Aniston pulls her very best seductress expression_r. 全身只裹着一条围巾,她透过散乱的发丝眼神迷离的看着镜头,珍妮佛安妮斯顿把她的极致诱惑发挥的无懈可击。