Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all cover their lips; for there is no answer of God. 先见必抱愧,占卜的必蒙羞,都必捂着嘴唇,因为上帝不应允他们。
What do you think is the message behind the Seers prophecy? 你觉得先知预言的背后是什么意思?
For the Lord has sent on you a spirit of deep sleep; and by him your eyes, the prophets, are shut, and your heads, the seers, are covered. 因为耶和华将沉睡的灵,浇灌你们,封闭你们的眼,蒙盖你们的头。你们的眼,就是先知。你们的头,就是先见。
The men of vision are the seers and prophets; 那些具有想象力的人是预言者和先知。
Golden harp of the prophetic seers. 那诉说先知预言的金色竖琴啊。
Yet when it comes to potential, we all seem to have a tremendous confidence in our abilities as seers. 然而,当谈到潜能时,似乎我们所有人都对自己预知未来的能力信心满满。
Through the discovery of Sahaja Yoga it is possible to achieve the transformation of the human consciousness to the higher planes promised by various seers. 通过霎哈嘉瑜伽,我们可以提高整个人类的意识,这是印度许多预言家所预言过的。
Wall Street seers wondered whether official intervention to prop up the dollar was on the cards. 华尔街观察家怀疑政府是否计划干预美元使其升值。
But the investment bank's seers are no longer sure that it will hit their mark soon: the "downside risks" to the price, they had warned investors the day before, were "gaining momentum". 但是高盛公司的分析家们却并不敢保证油价很快会达到他们预言的水平,他们曾在星期二警告投资者说油价的“下滑的危险”正蓄势待发。
A morality-based game, Snakes& Ladders was invented by the ancient Indian seers to teach the effects of karma ( deeds). The ladders and snakes represent moral ascent and descent respectively. 游戏免费。一种道德为基础的游戏,蛇和梯子是古印度发明的先知教业力(契约)的影响。梯子道德和蛇代表分别上升和下降。
In ancient times this kind of poetry and counseling was well known in the form of prophecies and visions from seers or shamans. 在古代,这种诗文和箴言以先知或萨满的预言和显灵的形式而众所周知。
For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. 因为耶和华把沉睡的灵,倾倒在你们身上;他紧闭你们的眼,就是先知;蒙盖你们的头,就是先见。
It covers some applications of animal-behavior knowledge to neuropsychology and behavioral pharmacology. There, seers learned the power of altered mind states through dance, music and simple drugs. 它涵盖对神经心理学与行为药物学的动物行为知识的一些应用。这些先知们用舞蹈、乐和简单的药物寻找改变意识的力量。
Like many other seers he was an excellent analyst, but a poor prophet. 如同很多其他人一样,他是一个优秀的分析家,却是一位糟糕的预言家。
B.: Different seers saw different aspects of truth at different times, each emphasising some viewpoint. 薄伽梵:不同的人在不同的时间看到真相的不同方面,每种说法所着重的视角不同。
The Blind Brothers, an order of lorekeepers, seers and augurs, were founded by Sar-Antor, disciple of Sar-Elam in62 YSD. 七龙纪62年,萨-艾朗的弟子萨-安拓建立了盲眼兄弟会,一个由守密者、先知和预言师组成的教派。
Perhaps we all know already, but it is still incredible to discover coincidences in the prophecies of other seers. 也许我们已经清楚知道了,但是看到别位先知不谋而合的发现,我们仍然感到不可思议。
'Homa'or the fire ritual is very ancient and has been the most effective ritual right from the times of the Vedic Seers. “火供”或者火的仪式是非常古老的,吠陀先知者时代最有效的仪式。
By the Renaissance, the Ecstatics had become recognized by the other Traditions, who labeled them Seers. 在文艺复兴时期,狂喜教团被其他学派承认,被认为是幻想者。
The coming demand for IT services will dwarf the expectations of people, even those who putatively are seers in the field. 对IT服务将要到来的要求会使人们的预期变得渺小,即使那些人是公认的此领域预言家。
The lord, who has taken up your cause, the holy one of israel, says, because of you I have sent to babylon, and made all their seers come south, and the Chaldaeans whose cry is in the ships. 耶和华你们的救赎主,以色列的圣者如此说,因你们的缘故,我已经打发人到巴比伦去,并且我要使迦勒底人如逃民,都坐自己喜乐的船下来。
Only with this difference, that, whereas the Jewish seers had denounced judgments and ruin on their country, it was his mission to foretell a high and glorious destiny for the newly gathered people of the lord. 唯一不同的是,犹太人预言家当年宣告的是他们国内的天罚和灭亡,而他的使命则是预示新近在这里集结起来的上帝的臣民们的崇高而光荣的命运。
Who say to the seers, see not; and to the prophets, do not give us word of what is true, but say false things to give us pleasure. 他们对先见说,不要望见不吉利的事,对先知说,不要向我们讲正直的话,要向我们说柔和的话,言虚幻的事。
By some measures, households are reducing their debt burdens unusually fast, but even optimistic seers do not think the process is much more than half over. 从某些方面来说,家庭是异乎寻常地减少他们的债务负担,但即使是乐观的预言家的快速不认为过程是远远超过一半。
Furthermore, the book is being published at a time when many US newspapers that followed the urging of internet seers and published everything free on the internet are going bust. 此外,在该书出版之际,许多美国报纸即将破产。这些报纸服从互联网预言家的强烈要求,在网上免费出版所有的内容。
And Gaal said again, see! People are coming down from the middle of the land, and one band is coming by way of the oak-tree of the seers. 迦勒又说,看哪,有人从高处下来,又有一队从米恶尼尼橡树的路上而来。
This breakthrough of our evolution in our awareness has to happen in these modern times and has been, moreover, recorded in the writings of many seers. 这个在我们知觉状态下人类进化的突破,必须要在这现代发生,并且已有许多先知预言过。
The seers are blind. Economists have failed to call a single recession in the past four decades. 预言者是盲目的40年来,经济学家未能准确预测过一次经济衰退。
Religions are also the expressions and experiments of realized souls-the seers. 各个宗教是那些先知和降世神?的表现。
There, seers learned the power of altered mind states through dance, music and simple drugs. 这些先知们用舞蹈、乐和简单的药物寻找改变意识的力量。