VERB 强压怒火;生闷气 When you are seething, you are very angry about something but do not express your feelings about it.
She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething... 她起初平静地接受了,但内心却气呼呼的。
She grinned derisively while I seethed with rage... 我怒火中烧,她却嘲弄地咧着嘴笑。
He is seething at all the bad press he is getting. 他正为所有那些关于自己的负面报道窝着一肚子火。
...a seething anger fueled by decades of political oppression. 数十年的政治压迫燃起的更加炽烈的怒火
VERB 充满,遍布,到处都是(人或物) If you say that a place is seething with people or things, you are emphasizing that it is very full of them and that they are all moving about.
The forest below him seethed and teemed with life... 他下面的森林里处处生机勃勃。
Madrigueras station was a seething mass of soldiers. 马德里古埃拉斯车站到处都是士兵。
She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething 她起初平静地接受了,但内心却气呼呼的。
She grinned derisively while I seethed with rage 我怒火中烧,她却嘲弄地咧着嘴笑。
He is seething at all the bad press he is getting. 他正为所有那些关于自己的负面报道窝着一肚子火。
The forest below him seethed and teemed with life 他下面的森林里处处生机勃勃。
Madrigueras station was a seething mass of soldiers. 马德里古埃拉斯车站到处都是士兵。
'Only an invitation to dinner. Why? Do you want to seethe letter?' 只是请我吃饭的请柬,怎么?你想看看?
I just don't seethe family resemblance. 我只是没看到家族的相似性。
We can seethe SUNIN the daytime. 我们白天可以看见太阳。
You're just saying that so I'll seethe psychiatrist. 你这么说只是要让我去看心理医生。
Do you seethe green leaves of each TREEIN the field? 你看到原野中每棵树上的叶子了吗?
Your mom will never seethe inside of a courtroom. 你母亲也不会上法庭。
If you like, you are welcome to our sterilization room to seethe whole process. 如果你愿意,欢迎来我们的消毒间看它运作的整个过程。
How many companies roared along for decades, minting money, only to seethe Internet eat their business plans? 有多少经营了多年的公司赢了利却只见互联网将他们的赚钱计划侵蚀了?
You can seethe lighthouse from here. 从这里你可以看见灯塔。
To be in an excited or agitated state; seethe. 处在一种激动或不安的状态;激动。
I seethe console messages at bootup, but once it's booted, I don'tsee the CDE? startup or anything like that. 启动时我看到了控制台消息,但是启动后看不到CDE启动或者类似的任何信息。
Forgotten ones seethe below, eager to return to the world above. 无面者也云集其下,急切地渴望着能够再次重返地表世界。
The public is thronging to seethe new musical. 人们蜂拥着去听新音乐剧。
Seethe with deep anger or resentment. 因生气或者怨恨激动。
But many Koreans seethe at the profits reaped by foreign investors who moved in after its 1998 economic crisis. 但对于1998年经济危机后进入韩国的外国投资者获取的丰厚利润,许多韩国人气愤不已。
A would you like to seethe bill, sir? 先生,您要看帐单吗?
See I can seethe tree. 我能看见那棵树。
As a result, we carry around negative energy as we seethe over what we are missing in our relationships. 结果,我们携带了消极的能量,同事对于关系中缺乏的东西热血沸腾。
Don't you seethe strings attached? 你不知道这样做的后果吗?
From the series of mother images, we seethe consciousness development of Tiening who is still a traditional woman under themodern life and from the series of girl images. 从母亲形象系列看到了作家女性意识流变,作家仍然是一个现代外衣包裹下的传统女性;
Reviewing the development history of FAW-Volkswagen, we can seethe outstanding achievements in every aspect. 回顾一汽大众这十几年的发展历程,方方面面都取得了令同行业刮目的业绩。
As the saying goes, everything has two sides, we can not only seethe positive side, while ignore its negative side. 俗话说凡事皆有其两面性,我们不能只看到其有利的一面,而忽视其不利的一面。