abbr. Software Engineering Institute 软件工程研究所(美国卡内基·梅隆大学); Scientific Engineering Institute 科学工程学学会
SEI provides a large body of background material, case studies, books, training, coaching, and consulting in support of these processes. SEI提供了大量的背景材料、案例研究、书籍、培训、指导和咨询服务,以支持这些流程。
The client implementation of attachments must first acquire an implementation of the SEI from a Service. 附件的客户端实现首先必须从一个服务中获得SEI的实现。
It is no coincidence that you can find these methods in the SEI files and in the WSDL file under the Port element. 您会发觉在SEI文件中的这些方法和在端口部件下的WSDL文件中的这些方法是不同的。
You must compile them all, but your client application need only know about the SEI. 您必须将这些类一起编译,但是您的客户机应用程序只需要知道SEI。
In JAX-WS, the Web service does not need to implement or provide a Service Endpoint Interface ( SEI). 在JAX-WS中,Web服务不需要实现或者提供服务端点接口(SEI)。
For EJB service implementation, the SEI methods must be a subset of the EJB component's remote interface methods. 对于EJB服务实现,SEI方法必须是EJB组件远程接口方法的一个子集。
Create a service endpoint interface ( SEI) and define a method to be exposed as a Web service. 创建服务端点接口(serviceendpointinterface,SEI),并定义一个将公开为Web服务的方法。
You've created an SEI and its implementation. 您已经创建了一个SEI及其实现。
The SEI must follow the Java programming language and WSDL mapping rules defined by JAX-RPC. SEI必须遵循Java编程语言和由JAX-RPC定义的WSDL映射规则。
Stub and dynamic proxy methods use the Service Endpoint Interface ( SEI). 存根和动态代理方法使用服务端点接口(ServiceEndpointInterface,SEI)。
Once you have an SEI implementation, you can call its methods with your attachment ( which for this example is in a file whose name you provide). 一旦您有了SEI实现,您就可以和您的附件一起调用它的方法(在本例中它是在一个您提供了名称的文件中)。
There is also a SEI file which holds all the operations in the Web service. 在Web服务中还有一个拥有所有操作的SEI文件。
A stub class defines all the methods that an SEI defines, therefore, a client can invoke methods of a web service directly via the stub class. 一个存根类定义一个SEI定义的所有方法,因此,一个客户机可以通过存根类直接调用Web服务方法。
It is a Java class implementing the SEI. 它是一个实现SEI的Java类。
Each wsdl: fault is mapped to a user exception as part of the SEI. 每个wsdl:fault都被映射到一个用户异常作为SEI的一部分。
In such cases, the SEI will be implied from the service implementation class, as in this example. 在这样的情况下,SEI将隐含于服务实现类中,正如这个示例中所示。
Developed by the Software Engineering Institute ( SEI), CMM was the initial model for software process improvement. 它由软件工程研究所(SEI)开发,CMM是为软件过程改进开发的初始模型。
Both types of service implementations use a Service Endpoint Interface ( SEI) refer to JAX-RPC ( JSR-101) to define the method signatures of the web service. 两种类型的服务实现都使用了ServiceEndpointInterface(SEI)参考JAX-RPC(JSR-101)来定义Web服务的方法签名。
In this example, you can generate two different SEI's, one for the server side using javax. xml. soap. SOAPElement, and one for the client side using Java type mapping. 在本实例中,您可以生成两个不同的SEI,一个用于服务器端,使用javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement,另一个用于客户端,使用Java类型映射。
First let's create the order-processing Web service SEI. 首先让我们创建订单处理Web服务SEI。
The SEI's Capability Maturity Model ( CMM) and CMMI assess and validate an organization's maturity on a five-point scale. SEI的能力成熟度模型(CMM)和CMMI从五个级别来评估并验证某组织的成熟度。
The only difference between this step in the SEI model and the DII model is that here you provide one extra bit of information: the WSDL. SEI模型和DII模型在这一步的唯一区别就是,在SEI中您需要多提供一些信息,即WSDL。
In this article, the author analyses the primary construct and structure of SW CMM, and explains ISO9000 s overlap with the Software Engineering Institute ( SEI)'s Capability Maturity Model ( CMM). 首先阐述了软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)的起因和发展,然后介绍了CMM的理论基础和核心思想,以及融合技术的意义。
After plentiful of research and practice experiences summarization, SEI concluded Capability Maturity Model ( CMM) for Software. 经过大量的调查和实践经验总结,SEI提出了软件开发组织的过程能力成熟度模型(CMM)。
He hosted a seminar at SEI Architecture ( SATURN) conference on architecture evaluation principles. 在SEI架构(SATURN)会议上,Felix主持了一个有关架构评估原则的讨论会。
The research progress of solid electrolyte interface ( SEI) film in lithium ion batteries is reviewed. 本文综述了锂离子电池中固体电解质界面膜(EI膜)研究进展。
Participate in SEI research in process agility and Internet speed. 在过程中灵活地,基于快速互联网地,参与SEI的研究工作。
Felix Bachmann of Software Engineering Institute ( SEI) recently talked about how to effectively evaluate software architecture and identify risks in enterprise applications. 软件工程研究所(SEI)的FelixBachmann(译者注:Felix是Jolt大奖图书《软件架构编档》的作者)最近谈到了如何有效地评估软件架构、识别企业应用中的风险。
He also discussed how SEI's Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method ( ATAM) framework utilizes these principles to help with the architecture evaluation efforts. 他还论述了SEI的架构权衡分析法(ATAM)框架是如何利用这些原则来助力架构评估工作的。
Application of lotus domino/ notes system in engineering projects of SEI LotusDomino/Notes系统在SEI工程项目中的应用