By any standard of perfection, an excellent Seiko quartz watch is as good as a top-of-the-line Rolex. 以任何完美标准衡量,一款优质的精工石英表和顶级劳力士难分伯仲。
For decades, thousands of tiny auto parts companies like Sankyo Seiko were Toyota's loyal legions, and toiled in relative obscurity to supply the behemoth. 几十年来,微小的汽车零部件公司,如三协精工数千名丰田的忠诚军团,并在相对默默无闻辛勤供应的庞然大物。
I operated quartz glass water tube, are used for the principle of natural crystal, after pressure melting, Seiko secret agents from its stable performance and reliable quality. 我公司经营的石英玻璃水位管,是采用纯天然水晶为原理,经过加压熔炼,精工细作而成,其性能稳定、质量可靠。
Currently, the Fuji consortium formed by29 large enterprises, the core enterprises Marubeni ( trading company), Fuji Bank, Hitachi, Canon, Nissan, Japan's steel, Sapporo beer, Seiko Kubota and so on. 目前,富士财团由29家大企业组成,其核心企业有丸红(商社)、富士银行、日立、佳能、日产汽车、日本钢管、札幌啤酒、日本精工、久保田等。
The use of T tube in southern China Han bamboo, bamboo crassipes, Bamboo, white bamboo, Phyllostachys nigra, owner and valuable mahogany Seiko system to do. 笔管多采用我国南方的罗汉竹、凤眼竹、湘妃竹、白面竹、紫竹、斑竹和珍贵的红木精工制做的。
Seiko Noda, who heads an LDP study group that is drafting the legislation, said the target was to pass a bill by the end of the next ordinary diet session in June 2008. 自民党负责起草这一立法的研究小组组长野田圣子(seikonoda)表示,目标是在2008年6月下届日本“通常国会”结束前通过相关法案。
Large Shell sealed-mail, the overall operating platform, no leakage, non-stick oil, cleaner, yarn box Seiko manufactured using quality materials. 大罩壳密封邮箱,整体操作平台,无渗漏,不沾油,更干净,纱框采用优质材料精工制造。
This product is well-known Australian brewing by producing quality grapes, elegant chic, the perfect show Chardonnay grape-growing areas of features, from Seiko brewing. 本品采用澳大利亚著名产区上等葡萄酿造而成,高雅别致,完美呈现了莎当妮葡萄种植地区的特色,精工酿造而成。
Japan's Seiko Epson on Tuesday announced it has discovered a way to produce large-panel organic light-emitting diode ( OLED) HDTV sets. 精工爱普生公司周二宣布开发出了一种用于生产大尺寸OLED面板的技术。
"professional to make, Seiko quality, moderate price, prestige reliable" our localization and goal. “专业制造、精工品质、价格适中、信誉可靠”是我们的定位和目标。
The product design is exquisite, making sophisticated technology, follow the original material, composition, color and mounting, adopt modern high-tech digital technology seiko is made. 该产品设计考究,制作工艺精良,遵循原作的材质、构图、色彩及装裱,采用现代高科技数位技术精工制成。
Seiko Fujioka was born in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture, Japan in1982. 藤冈圣子,1982年生于日本爱媛县松山市。
Each product quality through technical staff Seiko company decided to test reliable, and free testing for clients was satisfied with the talks after the price of freedom. 每部产品质量都通过公司技术人员精工检验决定可靠,并免费为客户当场试车,满意后再自由谈价。
Seiko products manufacturing, complete variety, quality excellence, long famous for large manufacturers at home and abroad to provide quality products, well received by customers. 产品精工制造,品种齐全,质量卓越,长期为国内外著名大型厂商提供优质产品,深受客户好评。
The Provincial Education Department invited the delegation led by director of Japanese Seiko Epson IPR Department to make special reports on the latest IPR development and IPR strategy in Japan; 省教育厅特邀原日本精工爱普生知识产权部部长一行就日本知识产权最新进展和知识产权战略作专题报告;
Therefore, innovation is the general idea: Popular raw materials complemented by innovative processing methods and Seiko do fine, make some at home do not eat or not the dishes. 因此,创新的一般思路应该是:用大众化原料辅之以创新的加工方法并精工细做,做出一些在家里吃不到或无法做的菜。
Taiwanese company Hiro Seiko have announced the release of their new range of Professional R/ C tools. 台湾厂商宏精工已宣布释放他们的一系列新的调味料,调味/炭工具。
We have advanced and complete casting, Seiko, apply installing and checkout equipment. 拥有先进完备的铸造、精工、涂装及检测设备。
ESL is the major manufacturer of the printer of the Seiko Epson in the world. ESL是精工爱普生有限公司在全球的打印机生产基地。
This paper discusses the Chinese display method in the EG-series LCDs which are produced by the SEIKO EPSON Co.. The circuit and word generator used to realize the display method were designed. 本文探讨了在SeikoEpson公司生产的EG系列液晶显示器上实现汉字显示的方法,并设计了实现这种显示方式的电路及字符发生器。
In addition to aesthetic taste from Seiko, rotten, elegant simplicity, easy to alienate heedlessness change also contributed to the evolution of the landscape painting style. 另外审美趣味爱好从精工灿烂、雍容华贵至清简疏远、恬淡放逸的转变也促成了山水画风格的演变。
Xie poetry language Wealthy Seiko near nature, the pursuit of a meticulous tracing scene, later poet poetic language and scenery techniques must be exemplary role. 谢诗语言富丽精工而近自然,追求细致入微的描摹景物,这对后世诗人诗歌语言及写景技巧都有示范作用。
From ci shows rich colourful seiko women clothing in the world, appreciate ci for brilliant beauty among the flowers, subjective and is broken"," the aesthetic temperament and interest. 从词人所展现的富艳精工的女性服饰世界中,体味花间词人以艳为美、主观化以及促碎的审美情趣。