The first comer seizes a current of the throng and leads it whither he wills. 第一个见到的人可以抓住群众的共同趋势并牵着他们跟他一道走。
Captain seizes the gun and runs quickly down. 上校夺过罗尔夫手中的枪,迅速跑开。
If Iran seizes this opportunity, the Iranian people will benefit from rejoining the international community, and we can begin to chip away at the mistrust between our two nations. 如果伊朗抓住这个机会,伊朗人民将重新加入国际社会并从中受益,我们也将能着手消除我们两国之间的不信任。
It is man in the service of ink& or perhaps this thought arises because Mr. Li's work hangs near abstract works in which the ink seizes control. 人为墨服务&之所以有这种想法,可能也是因为李华生的作品被悬挂在了抽象作品附近,在这些作品中,墨汁掌握了控制权。
The seal seizes a chance to escape. 而海豹则准备伺机逃跑。
A robber may possess for long the goods he seizes from others, but he can never be said to own them. 强盗可能长期占有他从别人处夺取来的财物,但决不能说他拥有这些财物。
The globalization seizes every opportunity, this kind of phenomenon reflects in construction outstandingly. 全球化无孔不进,这种现象反映在建筑上尤为突出。
Any of the canine teeth of a carnivorous animal with which it seizes and tears its prey. 犬牙用于捕获动物并撕成碎块的肉食动物的犬齿。
Shirley: You know, he who seizes the right moment is the right man. 雪莉:你知道,谁把握机遇就能心想事成。
It's love that seizes me. 而是爱情将我绑缚。
He who seizes he right moment, is the right man. 谁抓住了合适的时机,谁就是合时的人。
When an icy winter seizes the earth in its grip, a great wolf will devour the sun. 一旦寒冷的冬天笼罩地球,大狼将吞没太阳。
The Shanghai business dwell upon customer psychology already to "seizes every opportunity" the situation. 上海商家仔细研究顾客心理已到了“无孔不入”的地步。
Jealousy seizes me like a savage beast. 嫉妒就像野兽一样抓住了我。
Once he has cleared the regulatory barriers, he seizes his opportunities brilliantly. 一旦他扫清监管障碍,就能漂亮地抓住机会。
The child jumps down from the window and seizes the cat. 孩子从窗子跳下来捉住一只猫。
Spirit seizes him-The evil spirit was causing seizures. 他被鬼抓住-污鬼能使人抽风。
He seizes woman like a prey, bites her, groans, comes and breeds. 他像捕捉猎物一样捕捉女人,咬她,呻吟,出生然后繁殖。
"The eagle seizes the chicken" game. “老鹰捉小鸡”的游戏。
And what seizes this truth is nothing but popular struggle based on numerous guerilla warfare. 什么抓住这个真理,不过是人民斗争的基础上大量游击战。
The class which seizes the political power will Be the ruling class. 哪个阶级夺取了政权就成为统治阶级。
A man in lack of self-confidence seizes no chance, no matter how capable he is. 一个没有自信的人,无论他有多大才能,也不会抓住机会。
Policeman at last finds it necessary to support the law, and seizes a vocalist. 警察是维护法纪的人.后来,警察认为有必要维护法纪,便捉了一个唱歌的。
Whether the government seizes the moment is altogether more doubtful. 英国政府是否会抓住这个时机则非常值得怀疑。
Who seizes supplies from Baltar and his followers? 是谁抢走了波塔尔他们的食物供给?
Has the owner takes dog to run away the remote mountain and the cropland, also is tracked seizes to kills the dog. 更有带着狗逃去深山和庄稼地的主人,也被跟踪抓捕而至,将狗打死。
The speed win "seizes the flag war"; 速度取胜的“夺旗战”;
The question now is whether it gets trapped in a defensive posture or seizes the lead again. 现在的问题是:是困守防御的姿态,还是再次掌握主动。
Someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim ( usually for ransom). 非法地抓住和拘留受害人(经常为了勒索)。
When I think about this, I am terrified; trembling seizes my body. 我每逢思想,心就惊惶,浑身战兢。