The observed results provide a plausible mechanism for how haptenization of self-antigens can lead to the development of autoimmunity. 上述观察结果为阐明自体抗原的半抗原化为何会引起自身免疫性疾病提供了一种似乎合理的解释。
Many self-antigens have guided in designing therapeutic strategies, including insulin, glutamic acid decarboxylase antigen and islet cell antigen. 多种自身抗原可用于指导免疫治疗,包括胰岛素抗原、谷氨酸脱羧酶抗原、胰岛细胞抗原等。
Self-antigens are the most common anti-gens that are recognized in human cancer. 人癌症中的自身抗原是免疫系统识别的最普遍抗原,说明癌细胞源于宿主自身组织而非外源蛋白。
Negative selection is a process of the immune system, which destroys immature antibodies which are capable of recognizing self-antigens. 否定选择是整个免疫系统的一个过程,它能够消除那些识别自体抗原的不成熟抗体。