At last, in this magic moment, the veil of self-deceit is beginning to lift from my eyes. 在那神奇的瞬间,自欺欺人的面纱从我眼前飘逝。
Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit! 撒旦象征纯洁的智慧,而非虚假的自欺!
Full of misunderstanding, tricking, and teasing in the novel, Emma by the famous British writer Jane Austen in early 19th century is often conceived of as a comedy of self-deceit and self-discovery. 英国十九世纪初期著名女作家简·奥斯丁的小说《爱玛》一般被认为是一部充满了误会、玩笑,关于自我欺骗和自我发现的喜剧作品。