The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defense 当庭的证词为裁定她是正当防卫而无罪提供了强有力的证据。
In addition to self-defense skills, Shaolin Kung Fu exercises also improve the health and overall spirit. 少林功夫除了将功夫用作自卫,还可改善健康和增进精神。
Any limitation on this fundamental right of self-defense makes us more dependent on our government for our own protection. 对于这项自我防御基本权利的任何限制都会使得我们更依赖政府对我们的保护。
Video footage showed the miners threw grenades first, prompting police to retaliate in self-defense. 该段视频画面显示,矿工们首先扔出手榴弹,促使警方自卫性的进行报复。
Police said they were acting in self-defense because some workers had guns and machetes. 警方称自己的行动是出于自卫,因为一些工人持有枪支和砍刀。
And she stabbed him in self-defense. 并在自卫中刺中了受害人。
It's not self-defense when you break in here and attack me. 你强闯进来攻击我可不能算是自卫。
So you're saying that it was self-defense. 所以你是说那是自卫反击?
I thought you were teaching me self-defense? 我认为你在教我自我防护?
I mean, that's a classic self-defense move. 我是指,那可是个经典的自卫招式。
Where's the self-defense weapon you shot him with? 你打死他的自卫武器在哪儿?
We are not to use lethal force even in self-defense. 我们在自卫的时候也不能使用致命武器。
He had struck her only in self-defense. 他打她只是出于自卫。
A boy and his family were rescued by Japan's Self-Defense Forces in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. 宫城的石卷,一个小男孩和他的家人被日本自卫队救助。
Japan's Self-Defense Force heightens military preparations. 日本自卫队提高了军事预算。
The age-old Kungfu for bodybuilding and self-defense has gained widespread popularity in its history. 在历史上用于健身、自卫的古老功夫得到了广泛的喜爱。
Their maritime self-defense forces have started their offensive radars. 他们海上自卫队的攻击雷达已经准备就绪。
During this period, China also conducted missile nuclear weapon tests, initially forming its own nuclear self-defense and counter-attack strength. 在此期间,中国还进行了导弹核武器试验,初步形成了自己的自卫核反击力量。
Self-defense is the second possible ground for war. 自卫,战争的第二种可能基础。
Hippos only kill in self-defense. 河马只有在自卫时才会杀人。
Every individual has the right to use force for lawful self-defense. 每个人都有使用武力进行合法自卫的权利。
If you have to use your training in self-defense, your attacker's father will be a lawyer. 如果你利用你的训练,自我防卫,攻击,你的父亲将一名律师。
They quarreled over it, and I can still remember my father's self-defense. 他们吵起来了。我还记得父亲的自辩。
Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force take part in an annual military exercise. 日本陆上自卫队参加年度军事演习。
They carry knives as instruments of self-defense. 他们带着刀子作为自卫工具。
She was taking a course in self-defense. 她参加了自卫训练教程。
I accidentally found a revolver and some bullets in my attic last year and have kept them for self-defense. 我去年在我的阁楼中意外地发现一把左轮手枪和一些子弹,并一直保有它们以为自卫用。
It was self-defense and you can't charge me. 你没法凭自卫指控我。
For thousands of years for the Chinese people exercise or a way of self-defense against an enemy. 几千年来为我国人民锻炼身体或自卫御敌的一种方法。
I know, beetles played dead in order to self-defense, I also added a little knowledge. 我知道了,甲虫装死是为了防身,我又增添了一个小知识。