They tend to create self-enclosed areas of influence. 他们往往创造自我封闭的势力范围。
In fact, any traditional culture cannot be self-enclosed in the era of global village. 其实,在地球村时代,任何传统文化都不可能自我封闭。
A bulb either is self-enclosed or an envelope sealed by a window or lens covering the chamber aperture. 灯泡可以是自闭合的或由覆盖灯腔窗孔的窗或透镜密封的外壳。
This is a self-enclosed aesthetic cycle consisting of five feature-length films. 这是一个封闭的美学循环系统,由五部长片组成。
About 270,000 people live and work at the self-enclosed Foxconn campus in Shenzhen, the Chinese city bordering Hong Kong. 大约27万人在富士康自成一体的深圳工业园生活和工作。深圳是邻近香港的中国城市。
This paper is based on the character of the studied area land resource And obtains its self-enclosed evaluation units from the result of superposition analysis with GIS on the map of land use and other maps. 根据研究区域土地资源环境的特点,以土地利用现状图和其它参评图件为基础,应用GIS技术经过叠加分析所获得的封闭单元作为评价单元。
By getting away from the conservative and self-enclosed culture environment, and after understanding the modern science and technical development, the Chinese landscape architecture will surpass the so-called western industry-age landscape architecture characterized by personal performance and analyzing thought method, then create its own glory again. 在摆脱封闭守旧文化环境的羁绊和掌握现代科技发展的成果后,中国风景园林必将超越以个人表现和分裂式思维为特征的所谓西方工业时代景观设计,再创辉煌。
The appraisal system reasons includes multivariate appraisal startup procedures program starters, the rough implementation procedure, the virtual cross-examination program and, the most important, its self-enclosed appraisal system without enough parties participated. 鉴定制度层面的原因是外因,主要包括鉴定启动程序的多元、鉴定实施程序的粗糙、鉴定质证程序的虚置,以及最重要的,整个鉴定程序的封闭缺少当事人的参与。
We are now staying in the highly developed international community, each country needs to contact with others, even the heavily self-enclosed countries. 我们处在一个高度发达的国际社会中,任何一个国家都需要与他国进行往来,再封闭的国家也不能例外。
Those numerous self-enclosed communities influence the urban a lot. 量大面广的自我封闭式住区对城市运转产生诸多影响。
However, the development of modernization is not a self-enclosed spiritual movement of a nation, but a historical process through which opens to the outside world. 但是现代化建设不是一个民族和国家自我封闭的精神运动,而是一个对外开放的历史过程。
Chinese traditional culture has the characteristics of self-enclosed, and inertia because of its long-time of family fanning. It limited the desire of the people, limited its impulse that try to change the status existed. 长期处于小农经济社会的历史特征,使中国传统文化具有自我封闭、安于现状的特点,限制了人们猎奇的欲望、压抑了其尝试改变现状的冲动。
Project management originated from single-project management which is self-enclosed, resources-exclusive and targeting. 项目管理起源于单一项目,单一项目具有自我封闭、资源独享、目标确定等特点。
However, due to the problem of poverty has also led to a number of students exist in the psychological sense of inferiority, depression, negative self-enclosed mental; the lack of hard work and self-improvement spirit of self-reliance; weak sense of integrity and so on. 但是由于贫困问题也导致了一些学生在心理上存在着自卑、抑郁、自我封闭的不良心理;缺乏艰苦奋斗和自强自立的精神;诚信意识淡薄等等。