Core self-evaluations questionnaire can be used as an effective assessment tools to predict job performance of employees. 核心自我评价问卷可以作为预测企业员工工作绩效的有效测评工具。
Core self-evaluations are power predicts of job performance beyond demographics variables. 核心自我评价对关系绩效的作用要大于其对任务绩效的作用。
Core self-evaluations and four core traits correlate significantly with job satisfaction and job behavior variables. 核心自我评价及四种核心特质与工作态度和工作行为存在较强的相关,且能够有效预测这些变量。
Personal rules of living, the key concept of CAT, is a cognitive structure that has great influence upon individual's feelings and self-evaluations. 认知评价疗法的核心概念是“个人生活规则”,它是指个体的一种认知结构,代表个体对心理和社会性事件的法则化的看法和道德伦理的规定性。
The training lasted for six weeks. Four self-evaluations during the training, seven vocabulary tests during the reviewing period, the final exams and a post-training questionnaire were administered. 训练历时6周,在这期间,实施了4次词汇学习的自我评价,7次词汇测试,一次期末考试和一次训练后的问卷调查。
There are significant correlations among core self-evaluations, class environment and subjective well being. 核心自我评价、班级环境和主观幸福感两两相关。