It also points out, to acquire the essence of calligraph, calligraphists should spurn the utilitarianism, emphasize the inner self-experience. 指出当代书法家必须摒弃创作功利意识,着重自我内在体验的感悟,才能获取书法艺术真谛。
Along with gradually gone deep into self-experience, Wang Wei has desirous to recluse life, but his social role requested he became an officer. 王维随自我体验的逐渐深入,越来越想过隐逸的生活,但是因其所扮演的社会角色又要求他该仕。
Objective To improve mental hygienics teaching by using self-experience based learning method, in order to enhance teaching quality and effect. 目的采用自我体验教学法(self-experiencebasedlearning,SEBL)改进精神卫生学教学,提高教学质量和效果。
The mainstream of the college students 'self-awareness in the contemporary era is healthy and upwards. But there exists immature part, that is contradiction and collision in self-awareness, which are shown specifically in the self-recognition, self-experience and self-discipline. 当代大学生自我意识的主流是健康向上的,但也存在着不成熟的部分,即存在着自我意识的矛盾冲突,在自我认识、自我体验和自我控制方面具体表现出来。
It is not internal realization deviating from practice, but organic combination of individual rational, emotion and practice. It emphasizes self-experience without excluding others 'experience. 体悟是道德知行转化的基础,它不是脱离实践的内求静悟,而是个体理性、情感和实践的有机结合,它重视亲身经验但不排斥他人经验。
Extensive interviews, questionnaire inquiries, and other ratings were applied to investigate the behavior styles of local government executives and their relations with self-experience consistency and job performance. 通过深度访谈和问卷探讨了基层党政领导干部的行为风格类型及其与自我和谐及工作绩效的关系。
The studying actions of the net can influence self-experience and mental self-control. 网上学习行为对自我体验、心里自我调控有影响;
Besides, active self-experience and self-worth can help to improve teachers ′ psychological health. 此外,积极的自我体验和自我价值感有利于心理健康状况的改善。
Methods: More than 300 subjects were administered the Sex Role Adjective Rating Scale, Self-Experience Inconsistency Scale, Behavior Inhibition Scale and SCL-90, and relations between levels of psychosocial adjustment and sex stereotypes were compared. 方法:根据339名被试对性别角色形容词评定量表、自我和谐量表、行为抑制量表和SCL-90的评定,比较不同性别角色类型个体的心理社会适应水平。
The Use of Self-experience Based Learning in Mental Hygienics Teaching 自我体验教学法在精神卫生学教学中的应用
This system provided the two important evaluation parameters, the height of takeoff and depth of pressing as main feedback information to coach and athlete so that the condition of coach's long-term reliance on self-experience could be improved. 本系统把起跳高度和压板深度这2项跳板跳水成绩的重要评价指标反馈给运动员和教练员,使一直以来依靠教练员自身经验的现状得以改善。
Self-experience is individuals emotion experience on the base of self-evaluation. 自我体验是在自我评价的基础上,个体对自己产生的情感体验。
The form probe and self-experience. 形式探索与自我体验。
By analyzing the subjective promoting factors, the author also thinks it is important for the kindergarteners 'issue consciousness to have the openness of the teachers' self-development, the sensitivity of the self-experience and the reflection in personal thoughts. 通过对幼儿园教师问题意识的主体促进因素的分析,研究者以为教师自我成长的开放性、自我体验的敏感性、个体思维的反省性是教师问题意识产生的重要因素。
The factors which affect the formations of teachers 'self-efficacy mainly consist of the self-experience, the self-cognition, the social environment, the school administration, the interpersonal relationship and so on. 影响教师自我效能感形成的因素主要有教师自我经验、自我认知、社会环境、学校管理及人际关系等。
The main characteristics of the systematic thought of the traditional culture system are Complexity, Connection, Extension, Self-Experience, Fuzzy image and Consistence, which are reflected on many regions in the traditional culture, on the patterns of art, literature and architecture, etc. 传统文化的系统思维主要表现为广含性、关联性、伸展性、主观体验性、模糊性和连续性,并进而物化于传统的文化及建筑等诸多艺术形态表征中。
In the contemporary artistic activity all manifests intensely the main body consciousness and the self-awareness, follows intensely the self-experience and the self-expression, the modern art and the traditional art between them is the matter and the spirit, objective and subjective distinction. 当代的艺术活动中都体现着强烈的主体意识和自我意识,伴随着强烈的自我体验与自我表现,现代艺术与传统艺术在它们之间是物质与精神、客观与主观的分别。
Through an analysis on the various features of VR, this paper attempts to explore its potential impact on architecture design and predicts its applications in this field through self-experience. 文章通过对虚拟现实特征的分析,探讨了这一新技术可能对建筑设计产生的影响,作者通过自身的体会,展望了虚拟现实在未来建筑设计领域的运用。
But there is a distance between the female image imagined by male authors and the self-experience of female writers. 但是,男作家所想象的女性形象和女作家的自我体验还是有差距的。
The possessive ratio of implementing automatization in domestic farmland irrigation and automatization level are low, partly having economic condition use American irrigating control systems of Rainbird and Hunter series, others entirely rely on manual and self-experience to control irrigation. 国内大田灌溉实现自动化的普及率还很低,而且自动化水平不高,部分有经济条件的采用了美国的雨鸟、亨特系列灌溉控制系统,还有一部分完全靠手动及自身经验来控制灌溉。
One is interpersonal relationships, including parent-child relationships, teacher-student relationship, peer relationships; the other is about learning life, including learning attitude, learning methods, learning psychology; the third is about self-regulation, including self-awareness, self-experience, self-control. 其一是人际交往方面,包括亲子关系、师生关系、同伴关系;其二是学习方面,包括学习态度、学习方法、学习心理;其三是自我意识方面,包括自我认知、自我体验、自我调控。
The basic principle of the use of blank is to focus on the self-experience and feeling of students, concern about the individual differences and attach importance to the access experience through which students can draw a conclusion. 注重让学生自我体验和感受,关注学生的个体差异,重视学生结论获得的过程与体验等,这是运用留白的基本原则。
From the structure of formal, self-concept is made of three psychological components& the self-awareness, self-experience and self-control. 从结构形式上来看,自我由自我认识、自我体验和自我控制三种心理成分构成。
Self-experience is accompanied by self-consciousness and emotional experience arising from the ability, sense of self-education is the momentum generated. 自我体验是伴随自我意识而产生的情感体验能力,是自我教育意识产生的动力。
Chinese contemporary art continue to learn to explore the development process of seeking self-experience, expression and experience of the "complex" of violence resounding anger speculative enduring. 中国当代艺术创作在不断借鉴探索寻求自我经验的发展过程中,暴力情结的表达和体验使其在掷地有声的愤怒思辨中历久弥坚。
Self-concept is the most important part of the self. It is the key of self-knowledge as well as the basis of self-experience and self-regulation. 自我概念是自我的核心成分,它既是自我认识的重要组成部分,也是自我体验和自我调节的基础。
In teaching, teachers only focus on their own teaching and neglect students 'learning psychology and self-experience. 教师只重视自己教的感受,忽视了学生学的心理以及自我体验。
This dissertation intends to hold the view that feeling refers to a kind of self-experience and feel that individuals acquire through the interactive of self, others and society and the conditioned basis ( including physical, psychological and cognitive conditions). 本文认为情感就是个人主体在已有条件的基础上(包括生理的、心理的以及认知的等方面),通过与自我、他人以及社会相互作用所产生的一种自我感受和体验。
As a mass and public writing movement, the writing formats on weblog are various, including self-experience, inter-communication, improvisation, and cross-genre writing. 作为一种全民和公众的写作运动,博客主要表现为体验式、互动式、即兴性和跨文体性等写作样式。
In the issue of teacher development, people focus their attention on the teachers 'self-experience and self-development which means that teachers are no longer a social requirement, but the reflections of self-value of life. 现在世界各国都将教师发展的注意力集中在教师自我体验和自我发展上,这意味着教师不再是一种社会要求,而是教师自我实现生命价值的体现。