Emotionally, don't just go with your feeling," self-feeling "that thing doesn't real, a road flashed with silver light at night, always covered a pool of muddy water. 在感情上,不要只跟着感激走,“自我感觉”这东西并不实在,夜晚里闪着银光的路上,往往是一片泥水。
It is a very important phenomena occurred after the Renaissance that emotional self is constructed as an mind-entity on the base of emotional experiences and self-feeling. 在情感性经验和当下自我感觉的基础上把自我作为心灵实体加以确认是西方自文艺复兴以来极为重要的一种文化现象。
Treatment effect observation by movement imitation training on the body self-feeling impediment and ADL of the stroke patients 运动模仿训练对脑卒中后本体感觉障碍及ADL的疗效
The result of multiple factors analysis showed the factors that is associated with IBS was sex ( woman), income ( middling income); Stimulus events of spirit and self-feeling nervous per yes or not. 多因素分析结果表明,与IBS明显相关的因素是性别(女性)、收入(中等收入)、一年内是否有精神应激事件、自感精神紧张等。
Based on the data gained from the investigation and the sequence ranking of variance self-feeling health status, analysis was done with accumulation odds ratio ( OR) of multiple respondence Logistic regression models. 在问卷调查获取的数据基础上依据本调查中变量自感健康状况具有有序等级,采用有序多项响应Logistic回归模型中的累积比数比(OR)模型进行分析。
Self-feeling of bad psychological health status is on the high side; 自我感觉心理健康状况不良者偏高;
But during this period, some easy-looking shortcomings also appear in self-recognition, self-feeling and self-control, etc. 但他们在自我认知、自我体验与自我控制等方面,都表现出了比较明显的缺陷。
As it is widely distributed in Xiang group, the self-feeling words forms a certain batch and its own considerable feature. V人类自感词在湘语中分布广泛,形成了一定的批量,颇具特色。
Factors influencing the self-feeling health urban residents included age, gender, average income, education level, profession, medical insurance system, smoking and drinking, physical fitness attendance, health knowledge grading; 影响城市居民自感健康的因素有年龄、性别、人均收入、受教育程度、职业、医保制度、吸烟和饮酒、参加体育健身情况、健康知识评分情况;
By negative self-feeling, Some people was referring to the perceived inferiority of the receiver relative to the giver. 通过消极的自我感觉,感恩者相对于给予者更容易自我感知到自卑。
Gratitude, as seen a compound of "tender emotion and negative self-feeling". 当然感恩也被很多人体验为温顺的情感和消极自我感觉的混合物。