Study on Pollination Biology among Some Apricot Cultivars and New Apricot Lines Selection; Autogamy Self-fertilization in plants. 部分杏品种授粉生物学及新品系选育的研究自花授粉:植物中的自体受精现象。
Inbreeders are plants which predominantly or wholly produce seeds from self-fertilization. 近交植物指主要地或完全地通过自在受精产生种子的植物。
In order to obtain factual information about self-fertilization, empirical measurements must be made. 为了得到关于自传花粉的确实资料,必须采用一些已行之有效的方法。
It has been known that the self-sterility of conifers results from embryo collapse after self-fertilization. 业已知道,针叶树自花不育是由于自花受精后胚凋萎。
In hermaphrodite and monoecious species, there is the potential for self-pollination leading to self-fertilization ( selfing) unless there is a mechanism to avoid it. 两性花和雌雄同株植物有可能进行自体受精(自交),除非有一套机制来避免自交。
Most flatworms are hermaphrodite and, in tapeworms, self-fertilization usually takes place. 大多数的扁虫雌雄同体,绦虫常常进行自体受精。
Mutation Pressure and Population Gene ── Eslablishment of dynamic model of genetypic frequency of the self-fertilization plant population 突变压与群体遗传&自交植物群体基因型频率动态模型的建立
Furthermore, the temperature can elongate stigma obviously and reduce self-fertilization ratio apparently, but artificial pollination can improve the self-fertilization rate with long stigma. 此外,高温能促进柱头外露棉花柱的伸长,且会降低自交成铃率,但人工辅助授粉可以提高长花柱类的棉花自交成铃率。
Castanopsis kawakamii stand has the greatest advantages in the soil structure stability, soil and water conservation, soil self-fertilization capability in comparison among all the 7 hardwood stands. 7种珍贵树种林分中,格氏栲天然林土壤结构的稳定性、水源涵养、自肥能力均比其它珍贵树林优越。
Although gametophytic self-incompatibility functions can ultimately prevent self-fertilization, flowering plants have ( adopted) different signal transduction pathways to reject self pollen. 配子体SI植物虽然都具有其SI的功能而阻止自我受精,但它们采取的信号转导途径是不同的。