Characters and Image Features of Micro Self-focusing Ultrasound Transducer Used to Treat Cervical Lesions 用于治疗宫颈疾病的微型自聚焦超声换能器聚焦特性与图像特征
When input intensity is smaller, the beam would behave self-focusing only. 当注入强度较小时,自聚焦过程是它的一个主要结果。
Optical transmission and self-focusing fiber 光传输和自聚焦光纤
Small-Scale Self-Focusing of Divergent Beams in Gain Medium 增益介质中发散光束的小尺度自聚焦
Time reversal is a unique self-focusing technique for spatial and temporal focusing of sound in unknown environments. 【中英文摘要】时反法是一种新颖的自适应聚焦技术,它可以使声信号在未知环境下实现时空聚焦。
The dynamic conversion from self-defocusing to self-focusing and the phase conjugate bright spatial soliton 从自散焦到自聚焦的动态转换和相位共轭亮空间孤子
Design principle of self-focusing bar interferometer and its application studies 自聚焦棒干涉仪的设计原理及其应用研究
Self-focusing Algorithm of Millimeter-wave Thinned Array Imaging Radar 毫米波稀疏阵列成像雷达自适应聚焦算法
Design, Fabrication and Self-focusing Properties of Varied Line-space Grating 自聚焦变栅距光栅设计、制作及特性研究
It is shown that a dynamic equilibrium between optical self-focusing and plasma defocusing will be broken due to the MPA, which can induce instability of femtosecond filamentation. 研究表明:多光子吸收损耗会破坏自聚焦与等离子体散焦之间的动态平衡,进而引起成丝的不稳定性;
Important applications of isotropic nonlinear materials are seen in self-focusing, defocusing phenomena, switching systems, etc. 各向同性非线性材料的重要应用包括自聚焦和散焦现象、开关系统等。
And we also investigate the relationship between the self-focusing and the intensity of the incident laser beam. 并研究了自聚焦与入射光强度的关系。
The influence of the initial radius of divergent beams on small-scale self-focusing is discussed. 研究了发散光束初始曲率半径对小尺度自聚焦效应的影响。
The conclusion is that the vectorial effect influences more on the small-scale self-focusing than the non-paraxial effect. 结果表明非傍轴和矢量效应都改变了自聚焦的强度和模式,而矢量效应的影响更强。
The self-focusing and spot-splitting effect of The transmission of Double-Ring laser beam in Kerr-medium is investigated in the experiment. 实验发现,环形激光束在非线性克尔介质中传输时,当入射光超过一定功率时,光束产生多级自聚焦现象,传输过程中光斑出现分裂现象;
This paper analyses and studies the interferometer made of self-focusing bar. 本文分析并研究了用自聚焦棒做成的干涉仪。
In this high power laser system, nonlinear self-focusing effect especially the small-scale self-focusing is the main limiting factor. 在这种高功率激光系统中,非线性自聚焦效应是其主要的限制因素,其中尤其以小尺度自聚焦效应最为严重。
Under high power density laser action, in some linear media could produce nonlinear self-focusing. 在高功率密度激光作用下,某些线性介质中会产生非线性自聚焦现象。
Based on B-T theory, the evolution of small-scale self-focusing effect was analyzed; 以B-T理论为基础,分析了小尺度自聚焦的形成规律;
Laser self-focusing in the atmosphere and its effects on propagation 大气中的激光自聚焦及其对传播的影响
The ring-structure fields of self-focusing light are solved by using the variational method and the perturbation method. 本文用变分法和摄动法求解大芯径石英光纤环形自聚焦光场。
Finally, the influence of resonant Self-focusing on particle acceleration in beat wave accelerator also be discussed. 最后还讨论了共振自聚焦对拍频波加速器中粒子加速过程的影响。
In this paper, experimental observation and theoretical analysis of self-focusing of picosecond laser pulses in large-core silica fibers are reported. 本文报道了对大芯径石英光纤中皮秒脉冲激光自聚焦现象的实验研究和理论分析。
This paper studies self-focusing optical fiber by wave motion optical method. 本文采用波动光学的方法研究自聚焦光纤,导出了TE。
In this paper, we have studied theoretically the resonant Self-focusing of two-frequency laser beams in plasmas. 本文从理论上详细地研究了双频激光在等离子体中的共振自聚焦。
Self-Focusing in Optical Fibers and Accompanying Quasi-continuum Generation 光纤中的自聚焦和伴随产生的准连续光谱
The small-scale self-focusing of divergent beams is studied. 研究了发散光束的小尺度自聚焦效应。
The temporal evolutions of a laser pulse are obtained during self-focusing in experiment. 利用该测量方法在实验上得到了激光脉冲自聚焦过程中的时间变化规律。
Furthermore, the self-focusing is one of fundamental physical problems in Nonlinear Optics. 此外,自聚焦是非线性光学中的一个基本物理问题。
Intense laser pulses experience dramatic self-focusing, multi-photon ionization, spectral broadening and phase modulation when propagating in atmosphere. 超短激光脉冲在空气中传输时会出现自聚焦,多光子电离,频谱展宽和相位调制等物理现象。