Love is rare which it is self-giving. 爱是稀罕的&它是真正无私的爱。
Somehow, the act of self-giving is a personal power-releasing factor. 自我付出是一种人格魅力的释放。
By your Spirit, help me put envy to death and put on your self-giving love. 求祢借著圣灵,帮助我治死嫉妒,并穿戴上祢舍己的爱。
Chastity is the joyous affirmation of someone who knows how to live self-giving, free from any form of self-centred slavery. 贞洁是对某一个人的可喜肯定,因为他知道如何活出自我给与,摆脱任何形式的自我中心之奴役。
Their self-giving pursuits for love set great examples of sermons on human beings. 他们为爱舍身的典范,对世人的教诲和影响既深且巨。
Wuyue Corporation cannot grow without the whole Wuyue Man's self-giving contribution& dedication. 五岳的成长,离不开全体五岳人无私的付出与奉献;
Most of donat ors 'attitude was active, among which 67.7% were self-giving, such as army men, college students, medical personnel, and immigrant workers. 大部分献血者的献血心态是积极的,其中无私奉献心态占67.7%,最多见于军人、在校大学生、医务人员和外来务工人员;