That would be self-hatred, which is unhealthy. 那将是人身攻击,是不健康的。
All suffering is caused by the illusion of separateness, which generates fear and self-hatred, which eventually causes illness. 痛苦皆因分裂的幻想,就是这些幻想产生了恐惧和内咎,甚至生病。
As the self-hatred is processed and released along with the underlying karma, one will quite naturally embrace one's own tones of creation based upon gender. 当自我仇视及潜在业力被处理、解除之时,你将很自然地融入基于自身性别的造物音调之中。
Self-hatred apparently drove her to mutilate her own face. 显然是自憎驱使她毁伤自己的面容。
How can I then express all my regrets and self-hatred with my pen? 更哪能捉住一管笔去详细写出自怨和自恨呢!
The dark represents giving in to self-judgment, self-hatred, negative thinking and fear. 黑暗代表着屈服于自我评判,自我憎恨,负面思想和恐惧。
I had to confront my self-hatred. 我不得不面对我的自我敌视心理。
The forth part studies the psychological process of the black people from admiration for white to self-hatred in a distorted cultural atmosphere in light of psychological space. 第四,从心理空间角度研究黑人在扭曲的文化氛围中完成了由羡慕到自我憎恨的心理转变过程。