Malcolm continued to fight it out with Julien from his self-imposed exile in Paris. 马尔科姆自我放逐到了巴黎,但他继续要和朱利恩斗到底。
He returned home in the summer of 1974 after eleven years of self-imposed exile 经历了11年的自我流放后,他于1974年夏回归故里。
Sometimes a well-defined job becomes cluttered with self-imposed tasks. 有时一项职责明确的工作会因一些自愿承担的任务而乱作一团。
Japan last year eased its self-imposed ban on arms exports. 去年日本松动了自行规定的武器出口禁令。
Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be. 恐惧是自制的牢笼,使你不能成为神计划中的人。
North Korea has experienced food shortages for decades as the result of self-imposed economic isolation and mismanagement of resources. 由于在经济上与外界隔绝和对资源的管理不当,北韩几十年来一直粮食短缺。
Tiger Woods is feeling the tension ahead of his return to golf after four months in self-imposed exile. 在经历了四个月的自我放逐之后,老虎伍兹对眼下的复出感到紧张。
There are unofficial, self-imposed borders in these communities, he explained. 他解释道:这些社区之间存在非正式、自行划定的边界。
The OBR judges that the chancellor will meet his self-imposed fiscal targets. OBR判断财政大臣将达成他制定的每一个财政年度目标。
The expiration of Israel's self-imposed, 10-month moratorium on building threatens to derail peace negotiations, with the Palestinians threatening to quit talks if it is not extended. 以色列单实施的为期10个月的定居点建设冻结期的到期,威胁着和平谈判的进程。巴勒斯坦人威胁说,以色列不延长定居点建设冻结期,就将退出和谈。
Using lab observation and questionnaires, we investigated the relation between childrens temperament and self-imposed delay of gratification. 采用实验室实验观察和问卷法相结合的方法,考察幼儿气质与其自我延迟满足能力的关系。
It's self-imposed pressure to do your best work. 这是自我施加的压力,做你最好的工作。
The challenge is to bring North Korea in from a largely self-imposed isolation. 目前的挑战在于,要让朝鲜摆脱其很大程度上自我强加的孤立状态。
Ellen Green, who had been dating him for13 months, said the pressure, though self-imposed, was severe. 曾经为他治疗了13个月的EllenGreen医生说,压力,即使是他自愿承担的,也是非常严重的。
Last, an international agreement to tighten would allow China to exit its self-imposed currency predicament. 最后,全球货币紧缩协定将使中国退出强加给自己的汇率困境。
And he evokes with uncomfortable clarity the self-imposed poverty and discomfort of the Orwell household. 莱比道夫以令人不快的清晰笔触解读了奥威尔一家自甘自愿的贫苦和不安。
Sometimes, they won't follow up after an interview& or they will miss their self-imposed deadlines. 有时候,面试后他们不会跟进&或者延误由自己设定好的最后期限。
Too many people think of smokers as having self-imposed diseases, Edelman said. 太多的人认为吸烟具有自我强加的疾病,埃德尔曼说。
Possible North Korean proliferation of weapons of mass destruction also exposes the gap between Japan's desires and its self-imposed shackles. 朝鲜扩散大规模杀伤性武器的可能性同样暴露了日本的愿望与其自我施加的枷锁之间的鸿沟。
Does it involve you and self-imposed silence? 条件包括你自己保持缄默吗?
His engagements were all self-imposed. 他的一切约会都是由他自己作主的。
Its impulse is to free us from oppression imposed by others, or our own self-imposed limitations. 它会推动我们将我们从别人施加的沉闷影响或是自己为自己设下的限制中解脱出来。
After the military coup, the family left for self-imposed exile in america. 军事政变后,这家人自愿离开故土去美国定居。
After centuries of self-imposed isolation, in1961, Bhutan opened its doors to the world. 历经了几个世纪的自我封闭之后,在1961年,不丹终于向世界打开了大门。
This self-imposed discipline serves to avoid jealousy that may lead to unhealthy banker-client relationship at the working level. 所以,这种自我约束可以避免因妒忌而导致的银行家和客户之间的不正常工作关系。
The Stars disbanded in1983 and most of them went into temporary self-imposed exile. 1983年,“星星画展”解散,很多成员开始了短暂的自我放逐。
You need to accept limitations whether they are self-imposed or imposed by the outside world. 你需要接受限制因素,不管它们来自自身或外界。
The only limitations you have in life are self-imposed. 生命中能限制你的就是你自己。
Miss Bhutto had returned to Pakistan in October to lead her party, after an eight-year self-imposed exile. 布托在结束八年的自我流放生活后于10月回到巴基斯坦领导她的政党。
The end of the year was their self-imposed deadline for finishing the building work. 年底是他们自己提出的完成建筑工作的最后期限。