Criminal suspects are now protected from self-incrimination. 犯罪嫌疑人现在受到自证其罪的保护。
The Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination means that the defendant does not have to testify. 第五修正案针对自己犯罪的保障条款是指被告没有义务作证自己犯罪。
The right of self-incrimination may only be asserted by persons and does not protect artificial entities such as corporations. 自证其罪的权利或只能用于个人,不保护非自然人实体,比如公司。登录以后可看到完整内容!没有账号?
The prosecuting attorney cannot question the accused, as the US Constitution forbids self-incrimination. 检察官不可以询问被告,因为美国宪法禁止“自证其罪”。
An explanation of privilege against self-incrimination in America s military judicature; 美国军事司法禁止强制性自证其罪规则解读证据之规则尚不完善。
In some instances, the common law privileges and the constitutional protection against self-incrimination may both be relevant to a subpoena enforcement action. 在有些情况下,普通法特权和宪法保障防止自证有罪都可能和传票执行诉讼相关。
Much of the controversy has concerned the Fifth Amendment's privilege against self-incrimination. 争论大多集中于宪法第五条修正案关于反对自证其罪的特权。
On the Determination of Self-incrimination and Its Application of Punishment in the Area of Judicial Practice 论自首在司法实践中的认定与刑罚适用
In Miranda, the Court established the privilege against self-incrimination as the basis of regulating pre-trial interrogation. 在米兰达案件中,最高法院最终将反对强迫自证其罪特权确立为规范审前讯问的主要根据,并导致特权自身发生变化。
The second chapter discusses the theoretical foundation and characteristic of the burden of proof of the assumed and analyses the relationship among the burden of proof of the assumed, principle of presumption of innocence and privilege against compulsory self-incrimination. 第二章探讨了刑事被告人承担举证责任的理论基础及特点,并分析了被告人承担举证责任与无罪推定、不受强迫自证其罪特权的关系和其与控方承担举证责任的差异;
The Consideration about Setting up the System of the Privilege against Self-incrimination of Witness in China 构建我国证人反对被迫自证其罪特权制度的设想
Right to silence is "the privilege against self-incrimination", the system of right to silence goes together with the development of the world criminal procedure, which is the symble of the civilization. 沉默权即不被迫自证其罪的权利,沉默权制度的确立符合世界刑事程序制度发展的方向,是走向文明的标志。
The principle against compulsory self-incrimination is partly derived from it. 不受强迫自证其罪原则部分地源于无罪推定原则的要求。
The privilege against self-incrimination and the right to silence have relations and distinctions. 但二者在主体、表现形式及所保障的权利属性等方面却有所不同。反对被迫自证其罪特权是沉默权的基础。
At present, the right against self-incrimination is regarded as an basic safeguard to ensure defendants 'civil rights in criminal action. 目前,国际上将不得强迫自证其罪特权视为刑事诉讼中对被追诉人进行公正审判的一项最低限度保障。
In the fourth part, mainly discusses the banned forced self-incrimination form a complete set of rules. Including notification rules before ask, pre-trial phase accept criminal suspects statements of procedure and evidence system. 禁止强迫自证其罪原则还需要配以相应的制度才可完善,主要包括问前的告知规则、审前阶段接受犯罪嫌疑人陈述的程序及证据排除规则。
Privacy of personal life and the transparency of the excising of power are two complementary legal instruments of power control. The right against unreasonable search and seizure, the right against self-incrimination, and exclusionary rule of illegal evidence are the specific reflections of the system. 公民个人生活的私密度与权力行使的透明度是两个互补的权力控制法律工具,不被非法搜查与扣押的权利、不自证己罪的特权与非法证据排除规则是其具体的制度体现。
In the detection stage, minimize the minor coercive measures as well as take gentle ways of asking, does not let the minor suspects self-incrimination to safeguard minors 'litigation rights. 在侦查阶段中,尽量减少对未成年人采取强制措施以及采取和缓的询问方式、不让未成年人犯罪嫌疑人自证有罪来保障未成年人的诉讼权利。
The privilege against self-incrimination and encourage voluntary confession: 'it does not compel self incrimination in the law at the same time, and should encourage voluntary confession. 不得强迫自证其罪与鼓励自愿供述:法律规定不得强迫自证其罪的同时,应当鼓励自愿供述。
The second part of the rightness shall the Privilege against Self-incrimination of the principles and two law countries in the development situation of the paper, and simple discusses the various countries to the privilege of restrictive rules. 第二部分对对不得强迫自证其罪原则的起源和在两大法系国家的发展状况的概述,并简单论述了各国对该特权的限制性规定。
They have boldly warm personality, to pay for their own lover and do not regret it all. They chose the eloped and never have the moral sense of self-Incrimination, never afraid of pressure and rumors. 她们性格大胆泼辣,为自己的心上人付出一切都不后悔,选择了私奔的她们并没有道德上的自我归罪意识,而是坦荡热烈,不惧怕压力和传言。
The system of tainted witnesses in the criminal immunity is designed for eliminating the negative effects, which is from privilege against self-incrimination. It embodies not only the balance between justice and efficiency, but also the discretion of prosecutor. 污点证人刑事责任豁免制度是为了抵消反对强迫自证其罪特权的负面影响,本着公正与效率相平衡的价值追求,结合检察官的自由裁量权而制定的。
The fourth part analyzed the present legislation in China and discusses the new amendment failed to really provisions in points may not be the Privilege against Self-incrimination; in addition, it also points out the principles established in our country the obstacles. 第四部分析了我国的立法现状论述了新刑诉法修正案中未能真正规定不得强迫自证其罪原则,此外还指出了在我国设立该原则存在的障碍。
This statement is called the right against self-incrimination. 这一表述,被称为不得强迫自证其罪特权。
The privilege against self-incrimination requires not to exert any direct or indirect physical or mental pressure to obtain confessions. 不被强迫自证其罪的权利要求不得为了获得有罪供述对被指控者施加任何直接或间接的身体或精神压力。
Section I of this chapter pointed out that we cancelled the obligation of the defendant to tell the truth, that is, the defendant did not have self-incrimination obligation is the basic premise to improve our burden of proof system on prosecutor. 本章第一节指出取消被告人如实供述义务,即被告人没有自证其罪的义务是完善我国检察官证明责任制度的基本前提。
After the summary of scholars at the definition of the right to silence, the distinction between right to silence and the right to refuse to testify, the privilege against self-incrimination etc., a clear sense of the Right to Silence of this paper comes out. 在综述各国学者对沉默权的界定、区分沉默权与拒绝作证权、反对自我归罪的特权等概念的基础上,明确了本文意义上的沉默权。
Is mainly talking about our new criminal law in forty-third, introduced the "shall not be forced self-incrimination" and right to silence and distinction, further clarify the silence right system in our country has not established the status quo. 主要是谈论到我国新的刑事诉讼法中第43条,介绍不得强迫白证其罪与沉默权的区别,进一步明确我国沉默权制度并未设立的现状。
In view of the progressive meaning of this principle and the international treaties we have signed, it is an inexorable trend to stipulate the principle against compulsory self-incrimination in our Criminal Procedural Law. 鉴于反对强迫自证其罪原则的重大进步意义,以及我国签署的多个国际文件中均有该原则的规定,在我国刑事诉讼法中明确规定反对强迫自证其罪原则已成为必然趋势。