ADJ-GRADED 自私的;只为自己着想的 If you describe someone as self-interested, you disapprove of them because they always want to do what is best for themselves rather than for other people.
Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating. 狭隘自私的行为最终会自拆台脚。
Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating. 狭隘自私的行为最终会自拆台脚。
One of the fundamental insights of behavioral economics is that people are not merely the rational, self-interested beings of Economics 101, but also emotional creatures, capable of altruism and influenced by the behavior of others. 而行为经济学中的其中一个基本观点是:人类不仅仅是《经济101》中所提到拥有理性和自私,他们还是有感情的生物,敢于帮助别人,并且会受到其他人的影响。
In its pure form, the economic theory of clubs assumes that each country and individual is completely self-interested and has no interest in helping any others. 纯粹形式的俱乐部经济理论认为,每个国家和个人是完全自利的,他们对帮助别人没有任何兴趣。
But such complaints are drowned out by self-interested bickering in Congress. 但这些抱怨被淹没在美国国会自私自利的争吵之中。
Yes, I know that it might seem self-interested for me, an FT journalist, to point this out. 是的,我知道身为英国《金融时报》记者指出这一点或许像是一种自利行为。
I understand that, of course, but it is a very self-interested view, and fails to recognize the diversity of the Asian-American community. 当然,我理解,但这是一种非常自私的想法,没能认识到美国亚裔群体的多样性。
Critics of untrammelled free markets have long attacked the assumption that markets are rational, driven by rational self-interested economic actors. 长期以来,不受约束的自由市场的批评家们一直在抨击下述假设:市场是理性的,它受到追逐私利的理性经济主体的推动。
The nature of a state is a social man rather than an economic man, with a dualism of being both self-interested and altruistic. 国家的本性不是经济人,而是社会人,具有利己和利他的双重性。
These conditions are never fulfilled, but many markets come close enough that participants 'self-interested actions achieve good outcomes for all. 这些条件从未得到满足,但许多市场已与之非常接近,足以使参与者的利己行为取得对所有人都好的结果。
And there will be the self-interested critics that have a vested interest in not liking what you are doing and they will have reason to misunderstand. 届时将会有自利的批评,有一个不喜欢你正在做什么的既得利益,他们会产生误解的原因。
The paper considers that the conflicts between sociality of norms and self-interested of company regulations, which occurs in public areas, lead to public crisis. 社会规范的社会性和公司规则的自利性在公共领域会发生冲突导致公司公共危机产生。
We are daily conditioned to think of human beings as "economic agents": as purely self-interested, endlessly calculating costs and benefits and highly sensitive to marginal gains and losses. 我们每天都要习惯于将人类想作“经济行为人”(economicagents):完全利己、不停地计算成本和收益、对边际收益和损失高度敏感。
They have self-interested reasons to do so, since the more data their users give them. The more valuable their networks become to advertisers, but it is a good idea nonetheless. 它们这样做虽然有自身利益考虑,因为用户向它们提供的信息越多,它们的网络对广告主就越有价值,但这仍然是一个好主意。
When external rules and internal ethics are both weak, self-interested actors push costs and risks on to others. 如果外部规则和内在道德都很薄弱,追逐私利的行动者就会将损失和风险推给他人。
Based on or marked by a concern for self-interest rather than principle; self-interested. 基于私利的依自身利害而定的,基于私利而非原则考虑的;
This paper proposes an explanation for the nature of the firm based on a coalition of self-interested individuals, who constitute the firm. 本文提出了一个有别于目前主流观点的企业理论:企业是一个自利经济人所组成的经济利益联合体。
Recall that: Adam Smith's "invisible hand" of the marketplace leads self-interested buyers and sellers in a market to maximize the total benefit that society can derive from a market. 回顾:亚当·斯密认为,市场的“看不见的手”引导着市场中自利的买者和卖者,使社会获得了可以从市场获得的最大收益。
Many argue that banks have drifted from their basic social function to encourage growth by making loans, underwriting securities and advising companies into a self-interested drive to make money by any means possible. 许多人指出,银行已经偏离它们的基本社会职能通过发放贷款、承销证券和为企业提供咨询来促进经济增长变成了受自身利益驱动、不择手段赚钱的机构。
The self-interested rational agent that populates some economic models would not behave like this. 某些经济模型中自私的理性代理人不会这样做。
It offers little or no direct incentives for improvement to the knavish or self-interested professional or manager; 这对欺骗的或自谋利益的专业人士或管理人员来说,没有或者少有直接的动力去改善;
Hanoi and Manila have their own self-interested reason for wooing the US, to hedge against China. 越南和菲律宾讨好美国是有私心的,那就是防范中国。
Windmills and solar cells hardly seem like ways of producing enough electricity to power a busy, self-interested world, as furnaces and steam-turbines now do. 风车和太阳能电池很难生产足够的电力为繁忙追求经济利益的世界供电,像熔炉和蒸汽涡轮机那样。
You also believe us to be self-interested; you are sure that we crave the umbrella that you, the clever foreigner, has thought to carry. 你还相信我们是注重私利的;你确定我们渴望获得你这个聪明的外国人想着随身携带的伞。
But they should not detract from the case, both principled and self-interested, against fuel subsidies globally. 但无论是从原则上还是从自利出发,它们都不应转移我们对取消全球化石燃料补贴的关注。
Some of these measures are self-interested, some of them matters of principle. 以上措施有的是出于自利,有的属于原则方面的问题。
Rousseau was an early and incisive critic of the idea that self-interested behaviour would necessarily work to the benefit of all. 卢梭是较早对下述观点提出尖锐批评的人:自利行为必定会造福所有人。
It is not enough to protect animals for self-interested reasons alone. 单单出于私利方面的考虑来保护动物是不够的。
But we are also strongly self-interested beings. 但同时我们也是极其利己的生物。
Financial economics assumes that efficient valuation and capital allocation arises from self-interested selection among competing opportunities. 金融经济学假设,有效的估值和资本配置源自对竞争性机会的利己选择。
A citizen, therefore, has no duty to obey laws, even though he may decide to obey them for self-interested or prudential reasons. 因此,即使公民可以因为自身利益或谨慎的原因而决定服从法律,他却没有服从法律的义务。