
英 [ˌself ˈɪntrəstɪd] 美 [ˌself ˈɪntrəstɪd]

adj.  自私的;只为自己着想的


  1. ADJ-GRADED 自私的;只为自己着想的
    If you describe someone as self-interested, you disapprove of them because they always want to do what is best for themselves rather than for other people.
    1. Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating.


  1. Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating.
  2. One of the fundamental insights of behavioral economics is that people are not merely the rational, self-interested beings of Economics 101, but also emotional creatures, capable of altruism and influenced by the behavior of others.
  3. In its pure form, the economic theory of clubs assumes that each country and individual is completely self-interested and has no interest in helping any others.
  4. But such complaints are drowned out by self-interested bickering in Congress.
  5. Yes, I know that it might seem self-interested for me, an FT journalist, to point this out.
  6. I understand that, of course, but it is a very self-interested view, and fails to recognize the diversity of the Asian-American community.
  7. Critics of untrammelled free markets have long attacked the assumption that markets are rational, driven by rational self-interested economic actors.
  8. The nature of a state is a social man rather than an economic man, with a dualism of being both self-interested and altruistic.
  9. These conditions are never fulfilled, but many markets come close enough that participants 'self-interested actions achieve good outcomes for all.
  10. And there will be the self-interested critics that have a vested interest in not liking what you are doing and they will have reason to misunderstand.
  11. The paper considers that the conflicts between sociality of norms and self-interested of company regulations, which occurs in public areas, lead to public crisis.
  12. We are daily conditioned to think of human beings as "economic agents": as purely self-interested, endlessly calculating costs and benefits and highly sensitive to marginal gains and losses.
  13. They have self-interested reasons to do so, since the more data their users give them. The more valuable their networks become to advertisers, but it is a good idea nonetheless.
  14. When external rules and internal ethics are both weak, self-interested actors push costs and risks on to others.
  15. Based on or marked by a concern for self-interest rather than principle; self-interested.
  16. This paper proposes an explanation for the nature of the firm based on a coalition of self-interested individuals, who constitute the firm.
  17. Recall that: Adam Smith's "invisible hand" of the marketplace leads self-interested buyers and sellers in a market to maximize the total benefit that society can derive from a market.
  18. Many argue that banks have drifted from their basic social function to encourage growth by making loans, underwriting securities and advising companies into a self-interested drive to make money by any means possible.
  19. The self-interested rational agent that populates some economic models would not behave like this.
  20. It offers little or no direct incentives for improvement to the knavish or self-interested professional or manager;
  21. Hanoi and Manila have their own self-interested reason for wooing the US, to hedge against China.
  22. Windmills and solar cells hardly seem like ways of producing enough electricity to power a busy, self-interested world, as furnaces and steam-turbines now do.
  23. You also believe us to be self-interested; you are sure that we crave the umbrella that you, the clever foreigner, has thought to carry.
  24. But they should not detract from the case, both principled and self-interested, against fuel subsidies globally.
  25. Some of these measures are self-interested, some of them matters of principle.
  26. Rousseau was an early and incisive critic of the idea that self-interested behaviour would necessarily work to the benefit of all.
  27. It is not enough to protect animals for self-interested reasons alone.
  28. But we are also strongly self-interested beings.
  29. Financial economics assumes that efficient valuation and capital allocation arises from self-interested selection among competing opportunities.
  30. A citizen, therefore, has no duty to obey laws, even though he may decide to obey them for self-interested or prudential reasons.