Relationship between diabetic retinopathy and inflammatory reaction and cytokine Attrition of CMV-specific CD8 T cells in human during acute self-limited hepatitis B virus infection 炎症反应及细胞因子与糖尿病视网膜病变急性乙型肝炎患者体内巨细胞病毒特异性CD8T细胞漂移的研究
Nausea and gastrointestinal symptoms are the chief tolerability issue, but they are usually self-limited. 耐受性主要与恶心和胃肠道症状有关,但它们常常因人而异。
For example: teachers, self-limited condition, which includes the force of habit obstructions, low self-esteem to make sense of worship, intelligent level of restrictions, worries fear; 比如:教师自我条件的限制,其包括习惯势力作梗、自卑意识作崇、智能水平限制、担忧害怕;
Reactive lymph node hyperplasia is usually transient and self-limited in response to a local or systemic infection. 淋巴结反应性增生通常是对一个局部或全身感染的有限短暂性的反应。
In the absence of an obstructive lesion of the urinary tract, this illness is self-limited. 若无尿路梗阻,则本病具有自限性。
Necrotizing sialometaplasia ( NS) is a self-limited inflammatory disease mainly involving minor salivary glands. 坏死性涎腺化生是一种具有自限性的发炎疾病,主要侵犯小唾腺。
It is mostly a benign lesion and self-limited symptom, requiring only basic investigations and simple management. 血精症好发于青年男性,多数是良性病变及自限性症状,通常只需做些基本检查及一般的治疗。
It is a self-limited disease and has a benign prognosis. 嗜伊红性腹膜炎为一自限性疾病且预后良好。
Apart from the affected gland function, some patients have mild, self-limited joint pain, as well as vasculitis, peripheral neuritis, such as pulmonary fibrosis performance. 除腺体功能受影响外,部分病人还有轻度、自限性关节疼痛,以及血管炎、周围神经炎、肺纤维化等表现。
SNL is a self-limited disease, with favourable prognosis. 目前病因尚不清楚。预后良好,为自限性疾病。
Self-limited growth, rhythm and Gran movement of bacteria 细菌生长自限、节律及宏大运动的研究
I will prove that the concept of Aristotle's happiness is a self-limited final end, which guides and regulates people's practices and actions as the highest good. 我将证明亚里士多德的幸福概念是一个自我限制的终极目的,它作为最高善规整和指导着人们的行为和实践。
Hepatitis E virus ( HEV) is the etiological agent of hepatitis E, an acute and self-limited form of viral hepatitis prevalent in the world. 戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)是引起戊型肝炎(HE)的病原体。
Therefore it is an inevitable selection for colleges to set up self-supervised and self-limited mechanism effectively. 因此,建立起一个有效的自我监督、自我约束机制,是高校为获得更好的生存和发展环境,保护自我利益不受损害而无法回避的选择。
Hepatitis E is a self-limited acute illness which caused by Hepatitis E virus ( HEV). 戊型肝炎(HepatitisE)是由戊型肝炎病毒(HepatitisEvirusHEV)引起的急性自限性疾病。
The hemorrhage was intermittent and self-limited, which mostly showed black stool or positive in occult test. 出血呈间歇性、自限性,多为黑便和大便潜血试验阳性。
Complications were seen in 3 patients. There were one patient each of arrhythmias ( other than sinustachycardia), self-limited endobronchial bleeding, and glottis edema. 3例病人出现并发症,表现为心律不齐(除外窦性心动过速),自限性支气管内出血和声门水肿各1例。
S Electrothermal characteristics of a self-limited temperature heating pipe, a new self-limited temperature heating element for polymer composite that could be continuously produced was presented. 介绍了一种新型的可连续化批量生产的复合型高分子自限温发热元件&自限温发热管的电热特性。
Conclusions PT is not completely a self-limited disease which has no effect on the growth potential. 结论PT不完全是对儿童生长潜能没有影响的自限性疾病;
Conclusion SARS-CoV load existed self-limited up to down course. 结论SARS病毒载量存在自限性消长过程。
Conclusion: CSD is a self-limited bacterial infectious disease. And its clinical features, biopy and special stainings of swelling lymph nodes are helpful to the final diagnosis. 结论:CSD是一种自限性细菌性传染病,其临床特点、淋巴结活体组织检查和特殊染色有助于确诊;
Electrothermal Characteristics of HDPE/ Carbon Black Self-limited Temperature Heating Pipe 高密度聚乙烯/炭黑自限温发热管的电热特性
Although rhinovirus infection is self-limited, complications could still occur in patients with asthma, congestive heart failure, bronchiectasis, and cystic fibrosis. 尽管鼻病毒的感染是自限性的,但是病人会发生诸如哮喘,充血性心力衰竭,支气管扩张,囊肿性纤维化等并发症。
Dengue virus infections disease range is very wide, from self-limited disease to dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock which are threaten the life. 登革病毒感染引起的病变范围很广,从自限性疾病到严重危及生命的登革热、登革出血热以及登革休克综合征。