N-UNCOUNT 自我保全;自我保护 Self-preservation is the action of keeping yourself safe or alive in a dangerous situation, often without thinking about what you are doing.
The police have the same human urge for self-preservation as the rest of us. 警察和我们其他人一样,都有自我保护的人类本能。
The police have the same human urge for self-preservation as the rest of us. 警察和我们其他人一样,都有自我保护的人类本能。
Heroic sacrifice in war does not contradict self-preservation: they are opposite and complementary. 战争中勇敢牺牲和保存自己并不矛盾,二者是相反相成的。
This is a moment when the instinct of self-preservation emits howls, when the beast re-appears in men. 这时保全自己的本能使他们发出嗥叫,人又重新回复到动物的状态。
It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation& survival. shortof这里指除了什么以外,即除了自保也就是生存之外任何都不是目的。
These days, it is an act of self-preservation. 如今,这是一种自我保护的手段。
In a situation like that, every instinct pushes us towards self-preservation. 在那样的情境下,每一种本都会推动我们进行自我保护。
This can destabilize the marriage: When his mother and his wife are battling, a man's self-preservation instinct tells him to hide. 而这可能会破坏婚姻的稳定:当母亲和妻子开战,男人自我保护的本能会告诉他能躲多远是多远。
In recruiting an agent or 'asset,' we were asking him to ignore the instinct of self-preservation, to break the laws of his own country ─ to become a traitor. 在招募特工或线人时,我们要求他要无视保全自我的本能,要违反自己国家的法律&做一名叛国者。
The purpose of the former is self-preservation, of the latter the destruction of the enemy. 前者为了保存自己,后者为了消灭敌人。
Rufus: Telling a woman you like her clothes isn't lying. It's self-preservation. 鲁弗斯:告诉女人你喜欢她的着装不是说谎,而是自保。
Black oozes do not appear concerned with self-preservation, and some theorize they cannot feel pain. 黑色淤泥似乎并不关心自我保护,一些人认为它们无法感觉到疼痛。
But neither justice nor self-preservation demands that we kill men whom we have already imprisoned. 但是无论正义还是自我保护都没有要求我们处死已被监禁的囚犯。
It is the evil of exploitation engendered by individuals through their longing for security, self-preservation at all costs, irrespective of the whole of human beings; 存在着邪恶的剥削,来源于每个人对安全的渴求,不惜一切地自我保护,对整个人类不管不顾;
And that, in the end, overrode my instinct towards self-preservation. 而这个想法最终超越了我的自我保护本能。
Anyone with pure motives would avoid you out of a sense of self-preservation, if nothing else. 如果没有其它原因的话,任何动机单纯的人都会由于自我保护而避免与你接触。
"I have a very strong sense of self-preservation," he said. “因为我有非常强的自我保护意识,”他说。
Both superpowers shared the same instinct for self-preservation. 两个超级大国都有自我保护的本能。
He was carried away, at first, by the instinct of self-preservation; 最初支配他的是自卫的本能;
All the rules of self-preservation were broken when we saw that little face. 一看见那张小脸,我们就把明哲保身的金科玉律统统打破了。
Chakra One: Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation. 脉轮:地球、物理的身份,面向自保。
Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism an instinct for self-preservation that allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence. 攻击性是一种天生的生存机制,也一种自我保护的本能,它让动物自我保护免受生存的威胁。
Here is nature once more at her old game of self-preservation. 大自然又在这里玩弄她保存自己的老把戏了。
Officials don't plan to release it, because the first few months of a dolphin's development are a critical time for it to learn self-preservation. 官员们没有打算要把它放走,因为对它来说,海豚发育的头几个月是学习自我保护的关键时期。
Instead of worrying about his own self-preservation, he worries about hers. That's being in love. 不担心自己的自我保护,他担心她的,这就是恋爱。
Based on the self-preservation instinct an orientation-searching reflex is established. 因为有自卫的本能,方向定位的条件反射就会形成。
Global tie-ups are the future, but should not distract from self-preservation. 全球化联盟是未来形势所趋,但不应该分散对自我防卫的关注。
Self-preservation is the first law of nature. 保护自己,是自然界最原始的法则;人不为己,天诛地灭。
This is precisely why we say that attack, which is basically a means of destroying the enemy, also has the function of self-preservation. 我们说,基本上为着消灭敌人的进攻手段中,同时也含了保存自己的作用,理由就在这里。
But my instinct of self-preservation was strong enough not to function this way. 但我的自我保全的本能太强,不按照这条路走。
The primary requirement of war is to destroy the enemy, and the other requirement is self-preservation. 战争的基本要求是:消灭敌人;其另一要求是:保存自己。