We should learn protocol knowledge, self-questioning our shortage and do as protocol standard strictly. 把学习礼仪知识、反省自身欠缺与按照礼仪规范要求自己三者有机统一起来;
I began to start analyzing my situation to understand why I couldn't wake up early, through a self-questioning process. 于是我开始分析我的情况,通过自我反省找出到底为什么我早上没办法早起的原因。
After self-questioning maladies of the traditional system of land utilization, people realize the value of land and acknowledge the existence of land rent. 人们在对过去制度的深刻反省中,认识到了土地的商品价值,承认了地租的存在。
Through the specific issues, he dexterously express his distinctive idea of loyalty to the emperor, abandoned, self-questioning and self-redeem, which is intertwined with each other; 它巧妙地化用本事抒怀,展现了诗人的忠君意识、遗弃意识、反省意识和自赎意识相互交织的独特心灵世界;
The former is the realizing and responding to the emotion which is born of an alien land and motherland, the latter is the after tasting and self-questioning to oneself emotion occurred from this. 前者是对来自他乡和故国情感的认识与反应,后者是对由此引起的自我情感的回味与反思。
"Self-questioning" Training Model: Reasonable Choice by Teachers of Integrated Curricula 反思型培训模式:综合课程教师继续教育的理智选择
Its orientation has something to do with self-questioning history all the time, that is, from objects and perspectives of study to questions at last. 就二十多年来中国社会史理论探讨的演进看,对社会史的学术定位有一个从比较考虑研究对象到兼顾研究视角再到“问题”的过程,它始终同反省历史学有关。
On the Metaphor Characteristic of Overall Self-questioning of the May 4th Culture Movement in Be Sad For The Past Time 论《伤逝》文本对五四文化运动进行全面反省的隐喻性
Although circumstances change with the passage of time, it is momentous significance for us keeping firmly in mind on historical lessons and developing the spirit of improving oneself and self-questioning. 虽然时过境迁,但总结历史经验,牢记历史教训,发扬自强自省精神,仍是大有意义的。
It wasn't the self-questioning to personal interests, but his thought of essence of exist. 它已经超越了简单的对个体得失的反省,而将思考的对象指向了生存的本质。
This paper makes an analysis of the reason for such phenomenon, and puts forward the approaches and methods of developing the student's self-questioning ability. 本文对造成这种现象的原因作了分析,并提出了培养学生的自我提问能力的途径和方法。
And the Western literature that develops on this cultural soil reverberates with the voice of self-questioning by man on himself from beginning to end, permeating with profound consciousness of life and implication of human nature. 生长在这种文化土壤中的西方文学则自始至终回荡着人对自我的考问之声,贯穿着深沉而深刻的生命意识和人性意蕴。以及所具有的深远的历史和现实意义进行了讨论。
It is not the philosophical self-questioning of the exist object and its activity, which regards existence as the character decided by realism, but one to understand the philosophy of existence in new view of probability. 生存哲学不是对生存对象及其活动的哲学反思,这一维度不是将生存看作现实性确定的特征,而是从新的可能性维度解读生存哲学。
And methods training students'meta-reading involve self-questioning list and writing after reading. 阅读训练的方法主要有自我提问单和写阅读后记。
The essence of sustainable development is the complete concern of human beings on the basis of self-questioning on the human essential alienation brought by traditional industrial civilization. 可持续发展理念,本质是对传统工业文明给人带来异化的理性反思基础上所体现的对人的全面关怀,它重新确立了人与自然和谐统一的价值观。
The philosophy of existence is the philosophical self-questioning of the "existence". 生存哲学是对生存的哲学反思。
The evolutionary rules include imitation mechanism and self-questioning mechanism. 演化规则包括模仿机制和自我反问机制。
Since from the moment of the birth of human, the self-questioning of the human being would not be stopped, a series of issues about self, often plague the people who can think independently and own self-consciousness. 人对自我的追问自从人类诞生的那一刻起便没有停止过,一系列有关自我的问题,经常困扰着能够独立思考、具有自我意识的人们。
The success of the Beijing Olympic Games not only brings us the exciting and proud spirit, but also the self-questioning and self-examination from the cultural aspect. 北京奥运会的成功举办,带给我们的不仅是激动和自豪,还给我们带来了文化层面上的反思和诘问。
Third, in the interest of self-questioning and creative thinking, the relationships between personal epistemology and students 'self-questioning, and creative thinking have been analyzed. These analyses also make the whole study more meaningful for the teaching practice. 再次,为了使研究具有更深刻的理论和教学实践意义,我们围绕个人认识论与自我提问、创造性思维的关系进行了一系列的相关分析与差异性检验。