We also found that there were some relationships between the subjects 'self-representation traits and their response, and subjects from different schools had different self-representation traits. 并且,被试自我概念特征与成败情景下的反应存在着一定的关系,来自不同学习环境的被试自我表征有不同的倾向性。
Thirdly, in the respect she gives to the self-representation of marginal groups and consciousness transformation in promoting new modes of culture. 重视边缘群体自我表达的权利和实践,强调意识转变,积极推动新文化模式发展。
Class atmosphere of interactive self-representation between students and teacher was the exertion of this kind of teaching mode helpful to students 'self-representation and innovation. 要在体育教学中运用即兴展现体育教学模式,体育教师应注意营造师生互动的自我展现的课堂情景和气氛,以提高学生在教学情境中的自我表现与创新能力,从而最终实现教学目标。
On Prohibition to Director's Self-representation and Ambilateral Representation in the trade with His Company 董事自己代表和双方代表与公司交易行为之禁止探讨
By the Self-examination and Self-examination and Self-representation through his poetry, Du Fu experienced the Sentiment's discovery and the moral consciousness on one hand, and was by Self-reflection and self-mocking on the other. 杜诗的自我审视一方面是情感发现和道德自觉的过程,另一方面则伴着反省自嘲和对自觉主体的拆解。
A Study on The Complexity of Ideal Self-Representation and Its 'Roles of Self-Regulation of Adolescents 青少年理想自我表征的丰富性及其调节作用研究
Especially around the May 4th Movement, the in-depth self-representation by the overseas students of themselves flourished with a vengeance, in which they appear sentimental and beaten, feeling a strong sense of loss. 尤其在五四前后,留学生的深度自我刻画逐渐盛行,他们感伤自卑,流露出沉重的失落感。
Besides, it is a kind of self-representation, and also a reflection of the economy and culture on the art scope. 青春剧不仅是青年对自我的表达,也是经济、文化状况在艺术领域的投射。
Self-evaluation motives is to establish and maintain a particular self-awareness, self-representation or the tendency of self-evaluation state. 自我动机是指旨在建立和维持特定的自我觉醒、自我表征或自我评价状态的倾向。