All diploid species are hermaphroditic and either self-fertile or self-sterile. 所有的两倍体种都是两性的,而且不是白花能稔,就是自花不稔。
By self-cross test, we found the four red skinned pear are strickly self-sterile and the fruit set only is 0-4.9%. 试验对供试的4个红色梨品系进行测定,其自交坐果率为0-4.9%,属自交不亲和。
It was found that the hybrids were intermediate in plant type between the two parents, and there were 24-30 chromosomes in a number of pollen mother cells of the hybrids which were self-sterile haploids. 而以中国春为母本的,则必须结合离体培养杂种幼胚,才能获得中国春小麦与球茎大麦属间杂种,杂种植株的形态表现为中间型,其染色体数在24&30之间,自花不育。
All hybrid plants were self-sterile and set no seeds when backcrossed with barley. F1自交不孕,用大麦回交亦不结实。